Building America Research Teams

Building America research projects are led by teams of building science experts in partnership with leading industry players, such as builders, contractors, and manufacturers, to develop and validate technical solutions that improve the performance of homes while significantly cutting energy use. Learn about how Building America research addresses industry needs by advancing energy-efficient building technologies and practices in three key technology areas:

  • High-Performance, Moisture-Managed Envelope Solutions: Technologies and assemblies that increase insulation, reduce infiltration, reduce risk of condensation and mold, and provide adequate drying potential year-round.
  • Optimized Low-Load Comfort Solutions: Heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system solutions to provide highly efficient installed performance and well-distributed airflow, as well as effectively mitigate humidity and comfort risks because of the lower thermal loads in high-performance homes.
  • Optimal Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Solutions: Smart ventilation systems, filtration technologies, and source control for improved indoor air quality in tight homes with little or no energy penalty.

High-Performance, Moisture Managed Envelope Solutions

Optimized Low-Load Comfort Solutions

Optimal Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Solutions

Map shows climates throughout the country.

Building America projects are diverse and focus on three key areas.

The Building America Program has invested roughly $11.5 million in the last couple of years in projects that drive innovation and early-stage research and development, which will improve the energy performance of building envelopes and HVAC systems in American homes. The projects will also address key challenges impacting building industry design and construction practices.
Building America research projects are selected through a competitive process initiated by a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA). Learn about the latest advances in residential building technologies and research results through Building America’s webinars

National Laboratories

DOE's national laboratories are central to Building America research, conducting extensive scientific studies and lending their technical expertise for building technologies and improved building practices. Learn more on our national laboratories web page.


Over the past 25 years, Building America has supported projects that produced guidance, best practices, and high-performance, energy-efficient homes. Learn more about some of Building America's recently completed projects and successes.