The United States is home to one of the largest and fastest-growing wind markets in the world. To stay competitive in this sector, the Energy Department invests in wind research and development projects, both on land and offshore, to advance technology innovations, create job opportunities and boost economic growth.
Moving forward, the U.S. wind industry remains a critical part of the Energy Department’s all-of-the-above energy strategy to cut carbon pollution, diversify our energy economy and bring the next generation of American-made clean energy technologies to market.

Wind Energy Research & Development
Discover Wind Energy
Through history, the use of wind power has waxed and waned,from the use of windmills in centuries past to high tech wind turbines on wind farms tod...
Learn how wind energy can provide health and climate benefits that outweigh its costs.
Brush up on your knowledge of wind! Get the details on a few of the lesser-known wind energy facts.
Since the early 2000s, wind turbines have grown in size—in both height and blade lengths—and generate more energy. What’s driving this growth? Let’s take a closer look.
Learn more about efforts to develop America's vast offshore wind resources.
Learn about key facts related to wind turbines used in distributed applications.
Featured Publications
The Offshore Wind Market Report: 2023 Edition provides detailed information on the U.S. and global offshore wind energy industries to inform policymakers, researchers, and analysts about technology, economic, and market trends.
The 2023 edition of the Land-Based Wind Market Report provides an overview of developments and trends in the U.S. wind power market for the 2022 calendar year.
The Distributed Wind Market Report: 2023 Edition provides market statistics and analysis along with insights into market trends and characteristics regarding distributed wind energy from 2003 through 2022.
DOE seeks to build on the expertise, capabilities, and resources across a range of its offices to promote offshore wind energy. This strategy identifies the many opportunities for DOE action, including the many offices that might engage in these efforts.
Two years of progress to catalyze a new clean energy industry, deliver for workers and communities, and protect biodiversity and ocean co-use.
This fact sheet outlines the primary federal incentives, resources for funding, and opportunities to partner with DOE and other federal agencies.
First-of-its-kind study that examines future U.S. offshore wind workforce growth and identifies future workforce development needs.
White House launches floating offshore wind initiatives to deploy 15 GW, power 5 million homes, and lower costs by 70% for goal of 30 GW by 2035.
Learn about how the Floating Offshore Wind Shot plans to accelerate breakthroughs for more abundant, affordable, and reliable clean energy solutions.
Governors, labor leaders, and private companies convene to boost offshore wind supply chains, lower energy costs, and support manufacturing jobs.
A new study indicates that nearly 1,400 gigawatts of distributed wind capacity could be profitably deployed today across the United States.
In February 2022, DOE released a series of 13 reports on American manufacturing supply chains, reviewing both the obstacles to a reliable supply of key materials and opportunities for improvement.
Report summarizes the current status of offshore wind and identifies strategies to support the Administration’s goals for offshore wind deployment.
The North American Renewable Integration Study (NARIS) assesses opportunities to modernize and decarbonize the North American power system through the integrated planning and operation of generation and transmission infrastructures to meet end-use demand.
White House Fact Sheet: Biden Administration Jumpstarts Offshore Wind Energy Projects to Create JobsInterior, Energy, Commerce, & Transportation Departments Announce New Leasing, Funding, & Development Goals to Accelerate Offshore Wind Energy & Jobs.
The plan outlines the Office's research priorities and plans through the year 2025
Continued growth in the U.S. wind industry requires trained and qualified workers to manufacture, construct, operate, and maintain wind turbines.
This report explains how new energy science and technological breakthroughs could cut the cost of wind energy in half by 2030.
Tracking progress and updates in the Wind Vision Roadmap: during 2016–2017, DOE sponsored a series of working sessions to assess the Wind Vision Roadmap’s status and needs across the vision’s topical areas.