September 30, 1999

1999 Inspector General Semiannual Report to Congress

I am pleased to submit the Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) Semiannual Report to Congress. The report summarizes significant OIG activities and accomplishments during the 6-month period ending September 30, 1999. The Inspector General Act, as amended, requires you to forward the report to the appropriate congressional oversight committees within 30 days of your receipt of this report. The mission of the OIG is to assist Department managers by identifying opportunities to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Department programs and operations. With this goal in mind, the OIG issued reports on nearly 50 inquiries conducted during this reporting period. These included reviews, made at your request, of various aspects of the Department’s security affairs program. In addition, in responding to a request from the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, this office, along with the Inspectors General at the Departments of Commerce, Defense, State, Treasury, and the Central Intelligence Agency evaluated the licensing process for the export of dual-use and munitions items. We participated in two hearings on this matter.