Categorical Exclusion Determinations issued by National Energy Technology Laboratory.

Documents Available for Download

CX-029864: Chevron Western Regional Direct Air Capture Hub
Pre-feasibility and pre-FEED study for a Direct Air Capture (DAC) Hub focused on Kern and/or nearby counties in California.…
CX-029869: Development of mining engineering education curriculum at Tennessee State Univ.
This project focuses on development of geoscience education curriculum at a minority-serving institution to prepare a workforce for critical minera…
CX-029868: Electrical meter replacements and Communications Equipment Installation
meter replacements, communications infrastructure, and software upgrades, including pilot systems and testing.…
CX-029867: The Role of CO2 Conversion in the Clean Energy Transition
Laboratory experiments to evaluate novel catalysts for conversion of CO2 to formic acid. Sociological surveys and economic analysis. Computational …