Glossary and Acronyms

Glossary of Terms

Amendment - A commitment that changes the terms of the commitment, often to change the scope, etc.

C-175 - Department of State procedures for interagency review and authorization for negotiating and signing significant (i.e., having significant budgetary, legal or political implications), legally binding agreements.

Effective Date - The effective date of a commitment is either the signature date or another date specified in the commitment text.

Extension (or Renewal) - A commitment that extends the term of the commitment.

International agreement - An international commitment in written form, whether a (i) formal, legally binding agreement subject to approval under the Department of State’s interagency Circular 175 review procedures, or (ii) an informal, non legally binding arrangement such as a Memorandum of Understanding or Statement of Intent.

International commitment - A bilateral or multilateral undertaking with a foreign government or intergovernmental organization by or on behalf of the United States or the Department of Energy, exclusive of Work for Others, contracts, financial assistance grants, and cooperative research and development agreements (CRADAs). International commitments may take the form of activities like bilateral consultations on energy policy issues or written instruments, i.e., treaties and other international agreements.

Legally Binding - A key criterion of whether an agreement is subject to C-175 review; such an agreement contains language indicating an intent to be bound under international law.

Sponsoring office - DOE office proposing to initiate an international commitment, usually a program office and the PI country desk.

DOE Lab Acronyms

Ames Laboratory - AMES
Argonne National Laboratory - ANL
Brookhaven National Laboratory - BNL
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory -  FNAL
Idaho National Laboratory - INL
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - LBNL
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - LLNL
Los Alamos National Laboratory - LANL
National Energy Technology Laboratory - NETL
National Renewable Energy Laboratory - NREL
New Brunswick Laboratory - NBL
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education - ORISE
Oak Ridge National Laboratory - ORNL
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - PNNL
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory  - PPPL
Radiological and Environmental Sciences Laboratory - RESL
Sandia National Laboratories - SNL
Savannah River Ecology Laboratory - SREL
Savannah River National Laboratory - SRNL
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center  - SLAC
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - TJNAF

DOE Sponsoring Offices Acronyms

Advanced Research Project Agency – Energy  - AR
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy  - EE
Energy Information Administration  - EIA
Environmental Management - EM
Fossil Energy - FE
Health, Safety and Security - HS
International Affairs  - IA
Loan Programs Office - LP
National Nuclear Security Administration - NA
Nuclear Energy - NE
Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability - OE
Policy - OP
Radioactive Waste - RW
Science - SC