Change in Control (or Transfer) of Authorizations to Import or Export Natural Gas

Applications for Change or Transfer of Control of Authorizations to Import or Export Natural Gas

Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management

January 29, 2025
minute read time


Under DOE’s regulations, applications to import or export natural gas, including liquefied natural gas (LNG), into or from the United States must identify “all the participants in the transaction, including the parent company, if any, and identification of any corporate or other affiliations among the participants.”  10 C.F.R. § 590.202(b)(3).  Either before or after DOE issues a final authorization, however, the ownership or management of the entity may change hands, resulting in a change in control (CIC).

Please see DOE’s Procedures for Changes in Control Affecting Applications and Authorizations To Import or Export Natural Gas, 79 Fed. Reg. 65,541 (Nov. 5, 2014) (Procedures), for the regulations and procedures that apply depending on whether an applicant or an authorization holder undergoes a change in control.

As set forth in the Procedures, DOE construes a change in control to mean a change, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct the management or policies of an entity whether such power is exercised through one or more intermediary companies or pursuant to an agreement, written or oral, and whether such power is established through ownership or voting of securities, or common directors, officers, or stockholders, or voting trusts, holding trusts, or debt holdings, or contract, or any other direct or indirect means.  A rebuttable presumption that control exists will arise from the ownership or the power to vote, directly or indirectly, 10% or more of the voting securities of such entity.  See id. at 65,542.

In 2019, DOE further explained that the Procedures pertain to “external transfers or assignments, not purely internal corporate reorganizations”—such as those involving a “reshuffling of wholly-owned subsidiaries within the same parent organization.”  See DOE’s Response to Port Arthur LNG’s Notice of Internal Corporate Reorganization, Docket Nos. 15-53-LNG, 18-162-LNG, and 15-96-LNG (Apr. 11, 2019).

For questions pertaining to DOE’s change in control procedures, please contact the Division of Natural Gas Regulation at

Service Requirement:

Any applicant or authorization holder submitting a change in control filing to DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) must comply with DOE’s service requirements, set forth in 10 C.F.R. § 590.107.  This includes serving a copy of the filing on all parties on the official service list for the applicable docket(s). 

CIC Proceedings:

Applications submitted to FECM requesting a change in control, and FECM’s responses to date, are listed below in chronological order. 

Cameron LNG, LLC02/12/2014
Order 3452 - Approving Change In Control of Export Authorizations
2.14-003-CIC, 12-174-LNG
14-002-CIC, 12-184-LNG
Pangea LNG (North America) Holdings, LLC03/31/2014
Notice of Corporate Reorganization of Change in Control and Amendment of Pending Application to Export LNG to Non-free Trade Agreement Countries to Reflect Name Change to NextDecade Partners, LLC
3.14-004-CIC; 13-140-LNGAnnova LNG Common Infrastructure, LLC07/03/2014Order 3464 Approving Change in Control to Annova LNG Common Infrastructure, LLC (FTANs) 
4.14-005-CIC; 10-160-LNG; 10-161-LNG, 11-161-LNG and 12-06-LNGFreeport LNG Expansion, L.P., FLNG Liquefaction, LLC, FLNG Liquefaction 2, LLC and FLNG Liquefaction 3, LLC07/03/2014Order 3495 - Approving Change in Control of Export Authorizations FE Dkts. 10-161-LNG; 10-160-LNG; 11-161-LNG; and 12-06-LNG
5.13-69-LNG and
Venture Global Calcasieu Pass, LLC (formerly Venture Global LNG, LLC)09/22/2014Notice of Corporate Reorganization or Change in Control and Amendment for Pending Applications to Export LNG to Free Trade Agreement Countries

Notice of Corporate Reorganization or Change in Control and Amendment for Pending Applications to Export LNG to Non-free Trade Agreement Countries
6.14-19-LNG and 14-29-LNGLouisiana LNG Energy, LLC (acquisition by Parallax Enterprises (NOLA) LLC)05/21/2015
Notice of Corporate Reorganization or Change in Control and Amendment of Authorization to Export Liquefied Natural Gas to Free Trade Agreement Countries.

Notice of Corporate Reorganization or Change in Control and Amendment of Authorization to Export Liquefied Natural Gas to Non-free Trade Agreement Countries.

Order Correcting Change in Control and Amendment Reflecting Louisiana LNG Energy, LLC as Authorization Holder

Order Correcting Notice of Corporate Reorganization or CIC and Amendment of Authorization
7.14-179-LNGPieridae Energy (USA) Ltd.12/18/2015Response to  Erik J.A. Swenson Granting Pieridae's CIC Request of December 18, 2015
8.12-152-LNG and 13-153-LNGCommonwealth LNG, LLC (formerly Waller LNG Services, LLC (d/b/a Waller Point LNG)12/23/2015Notice of Corporate Reorganization or Change in Control and Corporate Name Change Amending DOE/FE Order No. 3211 Pending NFTA Application in FE Docket No. 13-153-LNG
9.10-85-LNG; 10-111-LNG; 12-97-LNG; 12-99-LNG; 13-30-LNG; 13-42-LNG; 13-121-LNG; 14-31-LNG; 14-92-LNG; 14-186-NG; 15-63-LNG; 15-97-LNG  and 15-171-LNGCorpus Christi Liquefaction, LLC, Cheniere Marketing, LLC, and Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC01/15/2016Letter Regarding Change in Control

Updated Letter Regarding Change in Control



11-59-LNG; 03-76-LNG; 04-39-LNG; 05-114-LNG, 06-03-LNG; 06-04-LNG; 06-086-LNG and 08--64-LNGLake Charles Exports, LLC and BG LNG Services, LLC             02/17/2016Response and Acceptance to Statement of Change in Control Notification of 2/17/16

Errata to 7/26/16 Response to CIC Letter Correcting Docket No. from FE Dkt. No. 06-08-LNG to 06-06-LNG
11.15-62-LNGTexas LNG Brownsville LLC02/18/2016Letter to Applicant Approving Request for Change in Control 



14-005-CIC; 10-160-LNG; 10-161-LNG, 11-161-LNG and 12-06-LNGFreeport LNG Expansion, L.P., FLNG Liquefaction, LLC, FLNG Liquefaction 2, LLC and FLNG Liquefaction 3, LLC03/02/2016Letter Approving the Change in Control as to Previously Issued NFTA LNG Export Authorizations.



13-26-LNGMain Pass LMC AS (MPEH LLC) (formerly Freeport-McMoRan LLC)09/29/2016
Letter to John S. Decker Responding to Change in Control Request Letters Submitted to the Department on September 29, 2016 and November 15, 2016 to Grant Transfer of FME to MPEH LLC
14.14-63-CNGPentagon Energy, L.L.C. (formerly Wentworth Gas Marketing LLC)01/25/2017Response Statement Granting Request for Change in Control 
15.16-144-LNGDriftwood LNG LLC02/17/2017Statement and Notice of Change in Control 
16.14-179-LNGPieridae Energy (USA) Ltd.05/22/2017
Statement Regarding Change in Control
17.12-183-LNG; 13-131-LNG; 13-132-LNGMagnolia LNG, LLC07/20/2017Letter in Response to 07/20/17 Amending Description of Equity Commitment
18.15-190-LNGRio Grande LNG, LLC08/23/2017Response to CIC Request for Change in Ownership and Notice of Amendment
19.10-85-LNG; 10-111-LNG; 13-30-LNG; 13-42-LNG; 13-121-LNG; 14-92-LNG; 15-63-LNG; 16-197-LNG and 17-161-LNGSabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC12/19/2017Response to 12/19/17 CIC Notification 
20.14-209-LNG and 15-19-LNGAmerican LNG Marketing, LLC01/09/2018Response to Change in Control Request Submitted January 9, 2018
21.11-127-LNG and 12-32-LNGJordan Cove Energy Project L.P.02/06/2018Response to Change in Control Request



11-145-LNG; 11-162-LNG; 14-204-LNG; 15-36-LNG; 15-67-LNG; 15-90-LNGCameron LNG, LLC03/23/2018Letter in Response to March 23, 2018 Notifying the Department to the CIC on behalf of Cameron LNG, LLC

Letter Granting Proposed Change in Control Immediately
23.15-53-LNG and 15-96-LNGPort Arthur LNG, LLC03/30/2018 
24.11-145-LNG; 11-162-LNG; 14-204-LNG; 15-36-LNG; 15-67-LNG; 15-90-LNG; 16-34-LNGCameron LNG, LLC03/30/2018 



13-129-LNG and 13-147-LNGDelfin LNG, LLC.07/11/2018Response to Request for Change in Control

Letter Granting Request for CIC
26.14-179-LNGPieridae Energy (USA) Ltd.08/31/2018Granting CIC Request for Long-Term Authorization
27.13-140-LNG; 19-34-LNGAnnova LNG Common Infrastructure, LLC11/16/2018
Response to 11/16/18 Statement of Change in Control
28.15-53-LNG, 18-162-LNG, and 15-96-LNGPort Arthur LNG, LLC01/04/2019
Letter Responding to CIC Notification submitted by Port Arthur to the Department
29.15-62-LNGTexas LNG Brownsville LLC04/12/2019
Response to CIC Request
30.13-140-LNG; 19-34-LNGAnnova LNG Common Infrastructure, LLC04/26/2019Letter to Brian Wright in Response to Change in Ownership Filed 4/26/19
31.12-88-LNG and 12-156-LNGGolden Pass LNG Terminal LLC (formerly Golden Pass Products LLC)07/17/2019Order Granting Request to Transfer Authorizations and Responding to Statement of Change in Control
32.18-144-LNGECA Liquefaction, S. de R.L. de C.V. (formerly Energia Costa Azul, S. de R.L. de C.V.)08/15/2019
Order Granting Request to Transfer Authorizations (transferring authorization to ECA Liquefaction, S. de R.L. de C.V.) 



13-69-LNG; 14-88-LNG; 15-25-LNGVenture Global Calcasieu Pass, LLC09/06/2019Notification Regarding Equity Ownership Change in Accordance with Procedures for Change in Control
34.11-115-LNG, 11-128-LNG, 18-180-LNG, 19-156-LNGDominion Energy Cove Point LNG, LP10/23/2019
Statement and Notice of Change in Control 
35.14-179-LNGPieridae Energy (USA) Ltd.11/06/2019Notice of Change in Control
36.18-70-LNGMexico Pacific Limited LLC11/18/2019
Notice of Change in Control 
37.12-183-LNG, 13-131-LNG, 13-132-LNGMagnolia LNG, LLC06/24/2020Statement and Notice Regarding Change in Control
38.14-96-LNGAlaska LNG Project LLC07/06/2020Response to Notification Regarding Change in Control 
39.11-115-LNG, 11-128-LNG, 18-180-LNG, 19-156-LNGDominion Energy Cove Point LNG, LP07/09/2020Notification Regarding Change in Control 
40.10-85-LNG, 10-111-LNG, 13-30-LNG, 13-42-LNG, 13-121-LNG, 14-92-LNG, 15-63-LNG, 19-125-LNG, 19-133-LNG, 20-28-LNG and 20-114-LNGSabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC09/23/2020Response to Notification Regarding Change in Indirect Equity Ownership
41.18-144-LNGECA Liquefaction, S. de R.L. de C.V.01/07/2021Statement of Change in Control
42.11-145-LNG. 14-204-LNG, 15-36-LNG, 11-162-LNG, 15-67-LNG, 15-90-LNG, 19-62-LNG, 19-45-NG, 18-144-LNG, 18-145-LNG, 15-53-LNG, 15-96-LNG, 18-162-LNG, 20-23-LNG, 20-43-NG, 19-65-LNG, 20-52-LNG, 20-145-NG, & 20-153-LNGCameron LNG, LLC, et al.04/30/2021
DOE's Response to Statement of Change in Control
43.18-70-LNGMexico Pacific Limited LLC10/27/2021
Notification Regarding Change in Control
44.10-160-LNG, 10-161-LNG, 11-161-LNG, 12-06-LNG, 16-108-LNG, 18-26-LNG, 21-98-LNGFreeport LNG Development, L.P.01/13/2022
Order Approving Change in Control
45.11-145-LNG, 11-162-LNG, 14-204-LNG, 15-36-LNG, 15-67-LNG, 15-90-LNG, 21-50-NG, 18-144-LNG, 18-145-LNG, 15-53-LNG, 15-96-LNG, 18-162-LNG, 20-23-LNG, 20-43-NG, 21-83-NG, 20-52-LNG, 20-145-NG, 20-153-LNGCameron LNG, LLC, et al.02/22/2022Order 4815 Approving Change in Control 
46.18-78-LNGCorpus Christi Liquefaction Stage III, LLC03/28/2022Response to the Notice of Corporate Reorganization and Request for Transfer

Order Granting Request to Amend Authorizations to Export Liquefied Natural Gas to Reflect Corporate Reorganization
47.20-73-CNGAndalusian Energy, LLC04/01/2022Response to Statement and Notice of Change in Control
48.11-59-LNG, 16-110-LNGLake Charles Exports, LLC05/17/2022Response to Notice of Change in Control
49.15-53-LNG, 15-96-LNG, 18-162-LNGPort Arthur LNG, LLC12/21/2022Response to Notice of Change in Control
50.21-53-NG, 21-59-NG, 21-73-NGHudson Energy Services, LLC; Just Energy New York Corp.; Just Energy Ontario, L.P.01/13/2023Response to Notice of Change in Control
51.15-53-LNG, 15-96-LNG, 18-162-LNGPort Arthur LNG, LLC04/25/2023Response to Statement of Change in Control
52.11-115-LNG, 11-128-LNG, 22-22-LNG, 22-155-LNGCove Point LNG, LP07/11/2023Response to Notification in Accordance with Procedures for Changes in Control
53.15-190-LNGRio Grande LNG, LLC08/16/2023Response to Statement and Notice of Change in Control
54.13-69-LNG, 14-88-LNG, 15-25-LNG, 16-28-LNG, 21-131-LNGVenture Global Calcasieu Pass, LLC, Venture Global Plaquemines LNG, LLC, Venture Global CP2 LNG, LLC10/24/2023

Change in Control Response Letter
55.22-63-LNGCyropeak Energy Solutions Corporation05/17/2024Order Responding to Notification of Change in Control and Granting Request to Amend Authorization Holder
56.14-209-LNG, 15-19-LNGAmerican LNG Marketing LLC07/01/2024
Order Approving Change in Control
57.19-134-LNGCommonwealth LNG, LLC07/25/2024
Response to Notice of Change in Control and Amendment to Pending Application
58.16-144-LNGDriftwood LNG LLC08/16/2024Order Approving Change in Control
59.15-190-LNGRio Grande LNG, LLC10/31/2024Response to Notice of Change in Control