Maintaining an open dialog with the public is central to the Environmental Management (EM) mission at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). Our goal is to keep our stakeholders and the public fully informed about our activities. On the pages linked below, you’ll find more information on the Environmental Management Los Alamos Field Office’s (EM-LA) mission at LANL, such as the current status of cleanup campaigns and Consent Order milestones, recent presentations given at public meetings, and contracts related to the EM mission at LANL. As these pages are updated on a regular basis, please check back for the latest information.
National Environmental Policy Act
Upcoming Public Meetings
Environmental Management Cleanup Forum: Building on Recent Success for Future Progress
Date: October 24, 2024
Time: 6:00p - 8:00p MDT
Location: SALA Event Center, 2551 Central Avenue, Los Alamos & Microsoft Teams
Virtual Meeting Information
Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 284 616 926 592
Meeting Password: UgBMtX
Dial in by phone
United States, Los Angeles
Phone Conference ID: 842 206 352#
If you have any questions, please contact N3Boutreach@em-la.doe.gov.