Dr. Peter S. Winokur
Chairman, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
U.S. Department of Energy
Dr. Peter S. Winokur of Maryland has been appointed a Member of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board for a term expiring October 18, 2014. Dr. Winokur has more than 40 years of experience as a scientist and engineer in the field of radiation effects science, technology, and hardness assurance in support of military and space systems. A Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and the American Physical Society, he was selected as one of the most highly cited researchers in Engineering by the Institute for Scientific Information, which lists the 250 most highly cited researchers in the world in given scientific fields.
2010 - Present
Chairman, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
2006 - 2010
Member, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
2005 - 2006
Senior Policy Analyst, Congressional Affairs, National Nuclear Security Administration. Liaison to Congress on a broad range of policy, legislative, and budget issues dealing with nuclear weapons, nuclear nonproliferation, energy, and research and development.
2001 - 2004
IEEE Congressional Fellow, Office of Senator Harry Reid. As Energy and Transportation Advisor, crafted energy policy that included tax legislation for renewable energy, resulting in billions in economic development and the creation of tens of thousands of jobs.
1989 - 2000
Manager, Radiation Technology and Assurance Department, Sandia National Laboratories. Led programs focused on radiation-effects science and technology, hardness assurance, and development of radiation-hardened microelectronics for military and space applications.
1987 - 1989
Supervisor, Radiation Technology and Materials Division, Sandia National Laboratories. Radiation physics, materials, and modeling in support of advanced technologies with severe reliability and radiation hardness requirements. Initiated SEMATECH programs dealing with equipment and processes for improved yield and reliability.
1983 - 1987
Member Technical Staff, Advanced Microelectronics Development Division, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM.
1979 - 1983
Senior Staff Physicist, Radiation Effects Branch Harry Diamond Laboratories, Adelphi, MD.
1969 - 1979
Physicist, Radiation Effects Branch Harry Diamond Laboratories, Washington, DC.
1968 - 1969
Scientist, Optical Character Reader Division Control Data Corporation, Rockville, MD.
Dr. Winokur has won numerous awards including the 2000 IEEE Millennium Medal, IEEE Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Merit and Shea Awards, R&D 100 Award, Industry Week's Top 25 Technologies of Year, Discover Award, Cooper Union's Gano Dunn Award, and prize-winning papers. He is the author of 140 publications in the open referred literature, including more than 30 invited papers, book chapters, and short courses.
- Ph.D., University of Maryland, 1974: Physics
- M.S., University of Maryland, 1971: Physics
- B.S., The Cooper Union, 1968: Physics
- Big Things From Small Beginnings