General Motors has been gathering feedback from customers who purchased the 2011 Chevrolet Volt, which is the only plug-in hybrid vehicle (PHEV) on the market today. Through May 2011, about 2,100 Volts have been sold. The top reason cited for purchasing a Volt is to reduce America's dependence on foreign oil. A desire to buy American and the vehicle's extended range by using gasoline tied for second. Environmental concerns were fifth on the list of reasons to purchase the vehicle. According to General Motors, current Volt owners drive two-thirds of the time in electric mode, and travel an average of 900 miles before refilling the gasoline tank.

Reasons for Buying a PHEV

Supporting Information

Reasons for Buying a PHEVShare of Buyers
Dependence on Foreign Oil55%
Desire to Buy American39%
Extended Range Using Gasoline39%
Owning Innovative Technology36%*
Environmental Concerns32%

* Estimated. Exact percentage cannot be determined from available information. However, the actual number is between 32% and 39%.
Sources: Crain Communications, Automotive News, June 20, 2011. [Original source: General Motors.] Cristi Landy, Chevrolet Volt Marketing Director

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