The U.S. Department of Energy’s Building Energy Asset Score (Asset Score) is a national standardized tool for assessing the physical and structural energy efficiency of commercial and multifamily residential buildings. The Asset Score generates a simple energy efficiency rating that enables comparison among buildings, and identifies opportunities to invest in energy efficiency upgrades. It is available for voluntary use and is 100% free to use.
Announcing the Asset Score National Leadership Network
The Asset Score National Leadership Network is a landmark partnership between DOE and leading companies, federal agencies, and state and local governments to expand usage and knowledge of the Asset Score, and to guide future improvements to the Asset Score program. The 21 participants of the Leadership Network were announced by the White House in January 2016. See the participants of the Leadership Network.
For general information, comments, and questions, please contact asset.score@ee.doe.gov. Join our mailing list for Asset Score updates and announcements.
While the tenants and energy usage patterns within a building frequently change, its physical structure and major equipment remain mostly constant. These underlying energy “assets” – such as the building envelope (roof, walls and windows) and lighting, hot water and HVAC systems – have a significant impact on how efficiently energy is used within a building regardless of how the building is operated or the behavior of its occupants.
The DOE Building Energy Asset Score (Asset Score) assesses the energy efficiency of these assets and identifies opportunities for improvement. Using building information inputted by the user, the tool runs a sophisticated whole-building energy simulation and generates an Energy Asset Score Report that includes the following actionable information:
- A score ranging from 1 to 10 based on the energy efficiency of the building envelope and the mechanical, electrical, and service hot water systems
- An energy efficiency assessment of the building’s individual systems
- Total estimated building energy usage and energy use by end use (lighting, heating, cooling, service hot water) under standard operating conditions
- Opportunities to upgrade building efficiency, and a “potential” energy efficiency score based on identified upgrades
The Asset Score can be used for new construction projects and existing buildings with the following commercial and residential uses:
Office Library Retail Lodging Multifamily Medical office Assisted living Parking garage City hall Police station Community center Post office Courthouse Senior center Educational (including K-12 schools) Warehouse (unrefrigerated) House of worship Mixed-use (of the above types) Single-family homes and attached homes can be scored using DOE's Home Energy Score. Email homeenergyscore@ee.doe.gov for more information.
The Asset Score is intended for use by a diverse group of stakeholders, including building owners, third-party property and facilities managers, energy services companies and consultants, utility program administrators, architects, building engineers, and state and local governments. The Asset Score can create value for each of these stakeholders in distinct ways:
- Building owners and third-party management companies can use the Asset Score to guide energy improvements, demonstrate national sustainability leadership and corporate social responsibility, and ensure the market recognizes their investments in building energy efficiency regardless of tenant behavioral impacts.
- Energy services companies, engineers and green building consultants can leverage the Asset Score to enhance their proprietary services and engage new customers, and integrate their tools seamlessly with the Asset Score through an application programming interface.
- State and local governments can identify energy cost-saving opportunities in their own portfolios and make that information transparent and accessible to taxpayers.
- Utilities and utility program administrators can use Asset Score results to identify customers for energy efficiency rebates and help achieve their energy efficiency targets more quickly and cost-effectively.