Narrator: Sustainability – never has a word had so many meanings, to so many different people.
Narrator: Bioenergy – never has a word connected so many people, across an entire nation.
Narrator: It's not just what these two words together can produce, but what these two words combined, can help us to save. Let us show you how.
<upbeat music starts>
A heart beats like a rolling thunder
'Rise up!' it cries 'shake your slumber'
Heed the bell toll
And sunder chains from souls
Breathe sweet release,
We're off our knees and unbound
Slaves to no one now
La vie Bohème for us
To them we're outlaws, 'hedon' pariahs all
'Cause when the night falls,
We come alive
Oh, we'd never make it
Inside of your walls
We burn at both ends,
Cannot be fenced in
We're made of lightning
We are igniting
We are igniting
<music continues>
Rhett Jackson (University of Georgia): Relative to other things we could be doing to the land in the Southeast, the pines are doing good things for us. We're studying on three watersheds, the hydrologic, water budget, and water quality effects of intensive biomass production using short rotation loblolly pine trees.
Menberu Bitew (University of Georgia): We here, we are using standard models like MIKE-SHE and SWOT model to identify what the potential effects of high intensive biofuel production on hydrology and water quality. And we are developing several scenarios…how they affect the land and water resource.
Rhett: So, one of the things that we do on this project is not only collecting data on stream flows, water chemistry, groundwater levels, and groundwater chemistry, but we're using that data to help inform models so we can look at this over a landscape scale over long periods of time.
Virginia Dale (Oak Ridge National Laboratory): Here, in East Tennessee, this is naturally a forest community. Having these forests is of great benefit to the environment and to the local people. But, we don't have that much demand for non-timber products. Timber, is what drives the market here. After the trees are cleared off the land, there is certain that can't be used and it goes to the meltdown pile, like you see here. If there was a bioenergy market, this kind of wood could be used and would provide more ways to enhance the value of the land, providing jobs, and providing areas where we could keep the land in forest.
Esther Parish (Oak Ridge National Laboratory): This whole Vonore switchgrass-to-ethanol experiment has been a great place for us to study this suite of indicators that we've developed to look at environmental, social, and economic sustainability of a bioenergy production system. And through this analysis we've seen that switchgrass has a lot of environmental benefits, as well as social benefits.
Sam Jackson (Genera Energy): So, one of the things we're often asked is, “What's the farmer acceptance rate? What's the farmer response to these dedicated energy crops?” And from our perspective at Genera, I'm not sure we could have had a better response. What they really need is a market, obviously, for the off-take of those crops. They want to do what's right, they want to do the most sustainable thing, and they want to earn a return to their land so they can maintain the quality life as well.
Peter O'Brien (Indian River County (FL) Commission, District 4): In Indian River County, we've been really excited to have INEOS build their bioenergy plant here, for a lot of reasons. We think it put Vero Beach and Indian River County on the map, as a leader in sustainable technology.
Nigel Falcon (INEOS Bio, Vero Beach, FL): Our aim is to develop this technology, not only to use the vegetative waste but also household, dispose of these materials, and turn them into sustainable green fuel.
Jim Harris, Director of Operations (INEOS Bio, Vero Beach, FL): We have a large landfill right next to us, and you know, what you have to do, is you can see it from I-95 traveling south, and you just have to drive by it to realize, sooner or later this thing is going to fill up and create a problem.
Donny Shultz, Asset Superintendent (INEOS Bio, Vero Beach, FL): What we need is a circle of life, and basically that's what we have here, is we're taking our waste streams and our waste products, and using that to create electricity, which we need to progress as a society, and of course, for fuel for our vehicles.
Bodie Drake (Algenol, Fort Myers, FL): If we use unique ways like we've developed here at Algenol, where we capture that carbon back out of the atmosphere, and use it again for fuels, it actually makes the recycling loop so we are actually recycling carbon through the atmosphere, through algae, and ethanol.
Kofi Dalrymple, Senior Engineer (Algenol, Fort Myers, FL): We're developing new technologies to go after fuel that we haven't gone after, that minimizes the impact on the environment.
Paul Woods, Founder and CEO (Algenol, Fort Myers, FL): And one thing we did here at Algenol, is we actually did testing of that algae in the environment in advance of us using it outside. The algae is never invasive to Florida, and to me, that's exceptionally important that we did that study in advance.
Wesley Crowe, Resident (Soperton, GA): Soperton is the “Million Pines City”. The timber industry in Soperton is a sustaining factor and has been for many years.
Sean Simpson (Lanzatech, Skokie, IL): I think what we're hoping to bring to that area is yet another example of how technology can provide new jobs, new opportunities. They have a resource locally that everybody knows is valuable, but the question is how best to add value to that resource.
Derek Bates (Lanzatech Freedom Pines Biorefinery, Soperton, GA): It will be a part of this community, and we're using what we have on-site that was already established here anyway.
Alice Havill (Lanzatech, Skokie, IL): This is showing a hybrid process of both biological and chemical processing to get an alternative fuel and chemical market using waste forestry products that are everywhere in the U.S.
Jayce Taylor (Lanzatech and New Trier High School, Winnetka, IL):
Part of what Lanzatech is doing is working on that sustainability, and the technology they're using can be used to make a sustainable better world.
<upbeat music>
Tim Volk (SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY): We've been able to build on a long history of research at SUNY-ESF, studying willow as a biomass and bioenergy crop. And then what we've done is taken that information and been able to apply it to this site.
John McAuliffe (Honeywell, Syracuse, NY): If we had installed just a standard engineered cover, it would require plastic liner and it would require hundreds of thousands of cubic yards of imported material -- a huge carbon footprint.
Tim: There's lots of these attributes of willow that are brought to bear in this kind of situation, in this kind of condition, that makes this really a very sustainable solution,,,but also broadens it in terms of bringing sustainable and renewable biomass into the community.
Mike Buckley (ReEnergy , Lyonsdale, NY): We really make an effort to get out there and work with the harvesters, the loggers, and the local economy to help sustain the economy up here in the North country.
John Howell (ReEnergy, Lyonsdale, NY): What we predominantly use here for our wood supply is the stuff that most loggers would leave in the woods. With the chipper market here at Lyonsdale and Black River, they are now able to chip that and supply us with our wood chips to burn and make power.
Dennis Rak (AA Willow, Fredonia, NY): It's become more than just a growing willow. It's a whole biomass energy development project, to try and find alternative uses, to try and work with people when they want to do a project.
Tom Amidon (Professor, with Christopher Wood (PhD Student), SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY): Bioenergy is about increasing the sustainability of society. Society, especially in the rural areas, areas where we do have biomass now, areas where we can grow a lot more willow, It's profitable now. It's economically sustainable now. But what I like the most is it's long term sustainable in the rural culture, in the rural regions, where we really need the jobs.
<upbeat music>
Rick Gustafson (Professor, University of Washington, Seattle, WA): I'm optimistic that in the Pacific Northwest, you know, something like that will happen, and someone will take one of these sites and start to build a biorefinery. That's what we want to do here at the University of Washington, too, we're trying to redo our laboratories, so it produces…it kind of shows how this would work, and kind of lead the way for the industry. What would be great to happen, is that these pulp mills are really well set up to diversify the portfolio of products that they produce. Because, while a pulp mill can't be a biorefinery overnight…there is lots of—especially on energy side—potential for integration between the two. The pulp mill already has lots of steam and heat and electricity, and these things can be integrated, and also has all this feedstock infrastructure. They're handling tons of biomass already.
Jim Dooley (Forest Concepts, Auburn, WA): Here in Seattle, we're surrounded by forests, we're surrounded in our urban centers with greenbelts, parks, street trees, incredible residential landscapes. And then, the public forests and private forests that surround all of the cities of the Northwest collectively produce tremendous amounts of organic wastes of various types. That's a resource that could be turned into biofuel, liquid fuels, or thermal energy. Feedstocks that we work with span the range of purpose feedstocks, like starting from logs, short rotation forestry, poplar plantation trees. And in that case, you're producing a feedstock that very optimized. So, you're controlling the growing, you're controlling production, and in each of these pathways—particularly the veneer pathway—to make this flowable, pourable crumble. This material is designed to use about 1/4, 1/5 of the energy of the hammermill. So, our objective as a company is, how do you take each of these materials and minimize the investment of capital in energy. And, how do you develop conversion or processing methods that reduce the technical risk and the operation risk for everybody in supply chain.
Stanley Asah (Associate Professor, University of Washington, Seattle, WA):
So, if biofuels is that thing that brings people…make them have a stronger sense of community, in the name of green energy, it can also bring people together, or that continuity of that bringing people together can rub off to other aspects of sustainability such as, I don't know …maybe they will choose to address a wetland problem that they have. So, it has the potential to seed and nurture other forms of social sustainability issues, or social action on sustainability issues. What I would think about very much, is when we're talking about sustainability, that we don't forget that sustainability is about people.
<upbeat music>
Eric Rund (Green Flame Energy, Pesotum, IL): You can grow about 800 gallons of ethanol per acre with miscanthus, versus about 500 gallons with corn. So, I thought if farmers we're gonna be growing energy, why not use the crop most efficient at doing it.
We have an area across the street here, that has a stream running through it. Right now we have a filter strip planted along the stream. The idea of that is to filter out excess nutrients that may enter the stream.
Chad Watts (Conservation Technology Information Center, West Lafayette, IN): A lot of local farmers and local citizens who are really deeply engaged in this project. Many different things we do to help remove nutrients from the water. Bioenergy crops or other alternative crops into those areas that we can also maximize the profit from those acres, and also have something growing out there that's taking up those nutrients.
Christina Negri (Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL): When we started our project we really did not have a home. So, I came in thinking, “Oh my goodness, I have to sell this to all these farmers who know they're land very well, that I want to put a patch of willows or switchgrass or something else in the middle of their fields and they're going to say I'm crazy, right?” But ultimately I think I was able to make them understand what I was trying to do, and the response has been phenomenal.
Stephen Morris (Resident and Former President of the Kansas State Senate, Hugoton, KS): When we talk about our strengths in rural Kansas, particularly in southwestern Kansas, I think we need to draw to our strengths. And our strength is certainly agriculture.
Steve Romey (Farmer, Hugoton, KS): Our goal is not to make this unstable for our standpoint, where we hurt the soil from an erosion standpoint. We want that to be sustainable, where you can come back next year and remove more residue again.
Derek Wiggins (Abengoa, Hugoton, KS): We have something else that nobody else has ever done on this size. I mean, I've gotten 10 years of college experience in…you know…two years that I've been here.
Jack Rowden (Mayor, Hugoton, KS): Over the last eight years, it's amazing the new businesses that have come in. Part of that certainly has to be contributed to Abengoa.
Debbie Nordling, (Resident, Hugoton, KS): You know, just like with the Abengoa project, it becomes personal and you want them to do well. Because if they do well, we do well.
Mike Naig (Deputy Secretary, Iowa Department of Agriculture, Ames, IA):
We talk a lot in Iowa about our leadership position on production. But that really is only part of the story here in Iowa. We also are home to world-class research and development, we're home to incredible innovation.
Robert C. Brown (Director of the Bioeconomy Institute, Iowa State University, Ames, IA): We're going to have to learn to maintain soil fertility while reducing the inputs of energy, water, and fertilizer. If we can achieve sustainable agriculture, then sustainable bioenergy is within our grasp.
Emily Heaton (Associate Professor, Iowa State University, Ames, IA)
So, if we want to protect the land that we use to provide food or feed for ourselves, we need to incorporate cropping systems and crops that help keep that soil on the landscape, keep those nutrients on the landscape, so that we have a more sustainable system overall. Those crops that we use can be perennials, they can be used for energy, there's no reason, no reason why these pieces don't fit together nicely. We just need to put them together.
David Muth (AgSolver, Inc., Ames, IA):
When you look at a standard highly productive Midwestern cornfield, even the best ground out there still has significant variability across the field. And it was this process of trying to build out an effective decision tool for corn stover removal, that we really started to be able to characterize how the variability within fields impact not only that question, but broader questions about how do we improve business performance.
Andy Suby (BioCentury Research Farm, Iowa State University, Ames, IA):
We see all these different feedstocks that people are looking into, and the reality of what they have in their area. And so, the good thing about what were doing is that we're fairly fuel flexible, feedstock flexible. And so, there is potential everywhere.
Lyle Whitmer (Bioeconomy Institute, Iowa State University, Ames, IA):
This could exist on a scale that would be about a co-op size-type plant. This could really bring economics back to rural Iowa.
Bill Couser (Couser Cattle Company, Ames, IA):
When I look at the public and public perception we have today, I want to make sure that the public understands that we're no different than a doctor, or attorney, or a professional person out there. We have taken an oath, to help feed and fuel the world, in the most sustainable, environmentally friendly, but profitable way we can. And we've taken that obligation on, because we understand the importance of passing this on to the next generation. And decades and decades from now, how they're going to feed and fuel the world.
Bill Belden, Sr. (Antares Group, Inc., Moravia, IA): You know, here in the upper Midwest, our core business model is either growing corn and soybeans that are to be sold into the refining market, or,into the export market, or into the feed market. Now, we're asking and telling our growers, we want a long term stable supply of biomass material that can be fed to a biorefinery. So, those are the challenges before us, understanding what we need to do, to do it sustainably, do it so it's…it can be carried on year after year, generation after generation, and not negatively impact the soil, the air, or the water around us.
Jennifer Dunn (Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL): We have some really important decisions to make in the next several years about what different transportation technologies we're going to go after as a nation. And those choices shouldn't be based on emotion, or gut feeling. Those choices should be based on data and analyses that help us make these choices with some rational decision-making behind them.
Stanley Asah (Associate Professor, University of Washington, Seattle, WA): So, what I would think about very much, is when we're talking about sustainability, that we don't forget that sustainability is about people.
<inspirational music and statements by some prior characters>
We are connected.
We are connected.
We are connected.
This is possible.
It works.
We are connected.
Growing energy.
We are connected.
The next generation.
My family is here to stay.
We are connected.
The whole picture.
Conservation agriculture.
I love forests.
Renewable and sustainable biofuels.
We are connected.
There's no such thing as waste.
We are connected.
We are connected.
We are connected.
Get involved!
<inspirational music continues over credits>
Oh rebel hearts unite
When the night falls,
We come alive
Oh, we'd never make it
Inside of your walls
We burn at both ends,
Cannot be fenced in
We're made of lightning
We are igniting
Oh rebel hearts unite
We're made of lightning
We are igniting
Oh rebel hearts ignite
We're made of lightning
Wild and blinding