Day 2: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 7:00 a.m.–8:00 a.m. | Breakfast and Registration | 8:00 a.m.–8:40 a.m. | Morning Keynotes - Debbie Stabenow, U.S. Senate (D-MI)
- Reuben Sarkar, deputy assistant secretary, Office of Transportation, DOE
| 8:40 a.m.–9:00 a.m. | Biomass Feedstock Keynote - Dr. Cathie Woteki, undersecretary for research, education, and economics, U.S. Department of Agriculture
| 9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. | Plenary IV: Advances in Bioenergy Feedstocks—From Field to Fuel This session will focus on the critical importance of feedstocks and their impact on the bioenergy supply chain. A diverse set of panelists will provide their perspectives on barriers and key opportunities for new feedstock technologies. Moderator: Alison Goss Eng, acting program manager, Feedstock Supply and Logistics, BETO, DOE | 10:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m. | Morning Break with Posters and Exhibitors | 10:30 a.m.–10:50 a.m. | Deployment Markets Keynote | 10:50 a.m.–12:20 p.m. | Breakout Session II Supply—Developing Bioproducts - Conversion Technologies II: Bio-Oils, Sugar Intermediates, Precursors, Distributed Models, and Refinery Co-Processing
This session will highlight successful business models and the resources needed for realizing the potential compatibility of biologically, chemically, and thermochemically derived fuels and fuel intermediates with existing markets. Panelists will focus on how to strategically leverage innovative technological and financial solutions in order to meet the challenges faced by this emerging market. Moderator: Bryna Berendzen, Technology Manager, BETO, DOE and Liz Moore, project officer, BETO, DOE Integration of Supply Chains II: Bioproducts—Enabling Biofuels and Growing the Bioeconomy This session will highlight the increasing importance of bioproducts on biofuels production. Panelists will discuss technical and market barriers to commercializing bioproducts and their opinions on how bioproducts can impact the production of biofuels. Moderator: Katy Christiansen and Nichole Fitzgerald, AAAS Fellows, BETO, DOE - Andrew Held, senior director, Deployment and Engineering, Virent Inc.
- John D. Trawick, research Fellow, Genomatica
- Jennifer B. Dunn, Biofuel Life Cycle Analysis Team lead, Argonne National Laboratory
- Ken Williams, global R&D lead for feedstock innovation, NatureWorks, LLC
- Brent Shanks, Steffenson professor, Iowa State University
Demand—Developing Biomarkets - Fostering Technology Adoption II: Expanding the Pathway to Market
Higher blends of biofuels are experiencing a range of barriers limiting their success in the marketplace. Competition with existing fuel is tough, and there is major litigation underway that will impact the ability of franchised fuel stations to provide blended biofuels. Are the barriers for higher blends of biofuels too great to overcome? Where are the opportunities, and what can be done to address the market barriers? Moderator: Travis Tempel, technology manager, BETO, DOE Building Market Confidence and Understanding II: Carbon Accounting and Woody Biofuels Maximizing the climate benefits of bioenergy requires a robust approach to carbon accounting and data-driven lifecycle analysis. Panelists will discuss the current state of the art and knowledge gaps with a focus on woody biomass, including impacts on forest carbon stocks and variables such as feedstock selection and production, regional variability, conversion efficiency, and co-products. Moderator: Kristen Johnson, technology manager, BETO, DOE - Michael Wang, senior scientist, Energy Systems, Argonne National Laboratory
- Stephen S. Kelley, principal and department head, Department of Forest Biomaterials, North Carolina State University
- Reid Miner, vice-president, NCASI
- David Cleaves, climate change advisor to the chief, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
| 12:20 p.m.–1:20 p.m. | Lunch | 1:20 p.m.–1:40 p.m. | Screening of Biofuels: America’s Energy Future Join us for the premiere of Bioenergy: America's Energy Future -- a short documentary film showcasing examples of bioenergy innovations across the biomass supply chain and the United States. The film highlights a few stories of individuals and companies who are passionate about achieving the promise of biofuels and addressing the challenges of developing a thriving bioeconomy. This outreach product supports media initiatives to expand the public’s understanding of the bioenergy industry and sustainable transportation and was developed by the DOE BETO, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Green Focus Films, and BCS Inc. | 1:40 p.m.–3:10 p.m. | Breakout Session III Supply—Developing Bioproducts - Conversion Technologies III: Energy from Our Waste—Will We Be Rich in Fuel or Knee Deep in Trash by 2025?
This session will discuss what the future may look like for waste to energy, with a focus on the production of fuels and products. Panelists will provide their insights on industry predictions for 2025 and will outline the policy changes, market drivers, and technical advancements that will help them achieve their goals. Moderator: Paul Grabowski, technology manager, BETO, DOE Integration of Supply Chains III: Algal Biofuels Strategy—Report on Workshop Results and Recent Work This session will present the outcomes of the two DOE-hosted algae stakeholder workshops and outcomes of DOE sponsored research. The final results of the National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts consortium will be reported. New data generated by testbed projects will be highlighted followed by a panel discussion on the impacts of biofuel-enabling bioproducts on the algae industry.
Moderator: Roxanne Dempsey, technology manager, BETO, DOE - José A. Olivares, Bioscience Division lead; Los Alamos National Laboratory, executive director, National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts
- John A. McGowen, director of operations and program, Arizona State University, AzCATI and ATP3
- Kimberly Ogden, professor, University of Arizona, engineering technical lead, National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts
- Martin Sabarsky, CEO, Cellana
Demand—Developing Biomarkets - Fostering Technology Adoption III: International Market Opportunities in Bioenergy
Advances in biofuels/bioenergy have led to expanding markets, lower prices and increased interest globally. This breakout session will focus on major market opportunities outside of the United States, as well as challenges and opportunities to enable success in these developing markets. Moderator: Jim Spaeth, program manager –demonstration and deployment, BETO, DOE - Dennis Hall, director, OBIC Bioproducts Innovation Center
- Gerard Ostheimer, global lead for sustainable bioenergy, Sustainable Energy For All Initiative, United Nations and World Bank
- Cora Dickson, senior international trade specialist, Office of Energy and Environmental Industries, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
- Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho, lead energy specialist, Inter-American Development Bank
- Artur Milanez, manager of Biofuels Department, Brazilian Development Bank
- Huiyong Zhuang, research professor, National Energy Research Center of Liquid Biofuel, National Bio Energy Co., Ltd.
Building Market Confidence and Understanding III: Engaging Key Audiences in Bioenergy This breakout session aims to empower bioenergy researchers and communications professionals to engage and collaborate on communication and outreach initiatives. Panelists will discuss elements of effective outreach strategies that can facilitate broader awareness of issues related to bioenergy industry expansion. Moderator: Leslie Ovard, communications specialist, BETO, DOE - Ashlie B. Delshad, assistant professor of political science, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
- Matt Merritt, director, public relations, POET–DSM Advanced Biofuels
- Linda Silverman, team lead, Workforce Development and Education, DOE
- Jason Miner, managing director, Strategic Communications, Glover Park Group
- Liv Haselbach, associate professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Washington State University
| 3:10 p.m.–3:40 p.m. | Afternoon Break with Posters and Exhibitors | 3:40 p.m.–4:40 p.m. | Plenary V: Federal Activities in the Bioeconomy This session will discuss how BETO is working cooperatively to establish sustainable domestic, renewable fuels and products within the federal government — specifically, integrating the efforts of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Defense (including the Navy), and DOE to create jobs, foster innovation, and increase energy security, while supporting the president’s Climate Action Plan. Moderator: Zia Haq, senior analyst, technology manager, BETO, DOE | 4:40 p.m.–5:00 p.m. | Conference Close |