Biomass 2013: How the Advanced Bioindustry is Reshaping American Energy


July 31–August 1, 2013
Washington, D.C. Convention Center
801 Mt. Vernon Place, NW
Washington, D.C. 20001

On July 31–August 1, 2013, the Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) and Advanced Biofuels USA co-hosted the Office's sixth annual conference, Biomass 2013: How the Advanced Bioindustry is Reshaping American Energy, at the Washington, D.C. Convention Center.

This year's conference highlighted the successes of the bioenergy industry over the past 20 years and provided a forum to exchange ideas, showcase new technologies, and discuss opportunities for the future. Attended by both the Secretary of Energy and the Secretary of Agriculture, Biomass 2013 also received support from both sides of the Congressional aisle, with Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Congressman John Garamendi (D-CA) addressing the conference as well. The Biomass 2013 Agenda outlines the events from the conference, including information about the exciting breakout sessions.


Biomass 2013 brought together hundreds of diverse stakeholders involved with various steps throughout the bioenergy supply chain to promote new partnerships, acknowledge recent progress and achievements, and explore new opportunities and challenges on the horizon. This year's conference also focused on initiatives in sustainability, exciting new trends in bioenergy, new directions for BETO, and possible future funding opportunities, with a forum for stakeholder input.

Biomass 2013 Presentations

Available speaker presentations are now posted and can be viewed on the Presentations Web page. Please note that not all presentations from the conference are available on this site at the request of certain speakers. Presenters retain full copyrights to the information contained in their presentations.

Biomass 2013 Poster Session

In addition to the breakout sessions and plenary speeches, BETO reprised its successful inaugural Poster Session. Selected posters were displayed for the duration of the conference and informally presented to attendees during four conference breaks, breakfast, and lunch.

Poster session topics included:

  • Research on Feedstock Development
  • Feedstock Supply Logistics
  • Conversion Technologies and Microbial Development
  • Algal Biofuels
  • Advanced or Drop-In Biofuels and Bioproducts
  • Environmental and Social Impacts and Sustainability
  • Techno-Economic Analysis
  • Sustainable International Development and Energy Access

Poster presenters included university, graduate, and postdoctoral students; researchers from national laboratories, research institutes, and universities; private researchers; and members of the public. Posters were evaluated on validity and technical merit of the approach; applicability to BETO's activities and the Biomass 2013 theme; clarity of description of motivation, methods, results, and conclusions; and diversity of student, lab, research institute, and industry participation.

Posters conveyed research methodology, originality of approach, research outcomes, and potential for scientific impact on the development of advanced feedstocks, biofuels, bio-based products, and other related issues.