This page displays the links to available presentations from Day One and Day Two of the Bioenergy Technologies Office's (BETO’s) Bioenergy 2015 conference. Approved presentations have been made available. Copying or using any materials without the consent of the presentation owner is prohibited.
Day One: June 23, 2015
Welcome and Introductory Keynotes
- Franklin (Lynn) Orr, Under Secretary for Science and Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
- Amy Klobuchar, U.S. Senate (D-MN)
- David Danielson, Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
- Jonathan Male, director, Bioenergy Technologies Office, U.S. Department of Energy
Plenary I: Policy and Market Overview
- Matt Carr, executive director, Algae Biomass Organization
- Bob Dinneen, president and CEO, Renewable Fuels Association
- Claire Curry, associate, Advanced Transport, Bloomberg New Energy Finance
- Joel Velasco, senior vice-president, Albright Stonebridge Group
Plenary II: Biofuels in a Global Marketplace
- Daniel Cummings, president, POET-DSM Advanced Biofuels, LLC
- Michael McAdams, president, Advanced Biofuels Association
- Prabhakar Nair, executive vice-president of business development, LanzaTech
- Michele Rubino, vice-president of business and corporate development, Beta Renewables
- Christopher Standlee, executive vice-president of institutional relationships and governmental affairs, Abengoa Corp.
Afternoon Keynote
- Peter W. Davidson, executive director of the Loan Programs Office, U.S. Department of Energy
Breakout Session 1A: Biomass Feedstocks for the Bioeconomy
- Bryce Stokes, senior advisor, CNJV
- Laurence Eaton, research economist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory/U.S. Department of Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office
- Robert C. Abt, professor of natural resource economics and management, North Carolina State University
- Tim Portz, executive editor, Biomass Magazine
Breakout Session 1-B: Innovations in Basic Science across Agencies and Offices to Enable Bioenergy
- Sunil Chandran, director, Biology, Amyris Inc.
- Paul J. Dauenhauer, professor and co-director, Catalysis Center for Energy Innovation, University of Minnesota
- John Ralph, professor, Department of Biochemistry, Wisconsin Energy Institute
Breakout Session 1-C: Bringing Biorefineries into the Mainstream
- Doug Berven, vice-president of corporate affairs, POET
- Harrison Pettit, vice-president of business development, Pacific Ag
- Theodora Retsina, CEO, American Process Inc.
- Rick Weyen, vice-president, Strategy and Business Development, Tesoro Companies Inc.
Breakout Session 1-D: The Pitch
Panel of Experts:
- Brian Baynes, partner, Flagship Ventures
- Bill Crump, senior project manager, Leidos Engineering
- Geoffrey Duyk M.D., Ph.D., managing director and partner, TPG Alternative and Renewable Technologies/TPG Biotechnology
- Mark J. Riedy, partner, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
- Molly Morse, CEO, Mango Materials
- Noah Helman, co-founder and chief science officer, Industrial Microbes
- Len Rand, CEO, Chairman, xF Technologies
- Jason Force, CEO, Iron Goat Technology Inc.
Plenary III: Early Market Adopters
- Dr. Randy D. Cortright, Ph.D., CTO / founder, Virent Inc.
- Taite R. McDonald, senior policy advisor, Holland & Knight LLP
- Nancy N. Young, vice-president, Environmental Affairs, Airlines for America
- Tom Thompson, Maritime Environmental and Energy and Technical Advisor, U.S. Maritime Administration
- Chris Tindal, director for operational energy, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Energy
Day Two: June 23, 2015
Day Two Opening Keynotes
- Reuben Sarkar, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
- Christopher Grundler, director, Office of Air Quality and Transportation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Robert M. Simon, Principal Advisor to the Director for Energy, Transportation, and Resources, Office of Science and Technology Policy, Executive Office of the President
- Mark Brodziski, director of the Rural Business-Cooperative Services Energy Division, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Plenary IV: Fuels of the Future: Accelerating the Co-Optimization of Fuels and Engines
- James E. Anderson, technical expert, Ford Motor Company
- Doug Berven, vice-president of corporate affairs, POET
- John Eichberger, vice-president of government relations, National Association of Convenience Stores/Executive Director, The Fuels Institute
- John Farrell, laboratory program manager—Vehicle Technologies, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Blake Simmons, Biofuels Program lead, Sandia National Laboratories
Breakout Session 2-A: The Future of Algae-Based Biofuels
- Toby Ahrens, CTO, BioProcess Algae
- Ronald R. Chance, executive vice-president, Engineering, Algenol
- Jeffrey S. Kanel, Ph.D., president and CEO, Renewable Algal Energy, LLC
- Tryg Lundquist, associate professor, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
- Dr. John McGowen, director of operations and program manager, Arizona Center for Algae Technology and Innovation: Arizona State University
Breakout Session 2-B: New/Emerging Pathways
- Abhijeet P. Borole, research scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Charles E. Wyman, president and CEO, Vertimass LLC
- Dr. Lori Giver, vice-president of biological engineering, Calysta Energy Inc.
- Fred Moesler, CTO, Renmatix
- Dr. Robert Graham, CEO and chairman, Ensyn Corp.
Breakout Session 2-C: Biogas and Beyond: Challenges and Opportunities for Advanced Biofuels from Wet-Waste Feedstocks
- Jordi Perez, scientist, SRI International
- Meltem Urgun-Demirtas, Principal Environmental Engineer, Argonne National Laboratory
- Corinne Drennan, Energy & Environment Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Bruce Logan, Kappe Professor of Environmental Engineering and Evan Pugh Professor, Pennsylvania State University
Breakout Session 2-D: Reaching Your Stakeholders: Effectively Engaging and Educating Key Audiences
- Melissa Savage, senior program director, National Association of State Energy Officials
- Joanna Schroeder, editor,
- Emily York, vice-president of communications, Abengoa
- Wendy Rosen, leader, Global Public Affairs, DuPont Industrial Biosciences, DuPont
- Aaron Wells, communications consultant, Fuels America
Breakout Session 3-A: Growing a Water-Smart Bioeconomy
- Tim Cohn, hydrologist, Office of Surface Water, U.S. Geological Survey
- Carolyn Olson, Ph.D., senior scientist, Climate Change Program Office, Office of the Chief Economist, U.S. Department of Agriculture
- Mitchell Schultz, R&D manager of Separations Science, Archer Daniels Midland Company
- May Wu, Principal Environmental System Analyst in the Energy Systems Division, Argonne National Laboratory
Breakout 3-B: The Changing Landscapes for Biobased Chemicals: A Decade After the Top Value Added Chemicals from Biomass
- Lisa Dyson, CEO, Kiverdi
- Jim Millis, CTO, BioAmber
- Andy Shafer, executive vice-president, Sales and Market Development, Elevance Renewable Sciences
- Dr. Todd A. Werpy, senior vice-president and CTO, Archer Daniels Midland Company
- Ken Williams, program leader / principal chemical engineer, Nature Works, LLC
Breakout Session 3-C: Renewable Gaseous Fuels
- Patrick Serfass, executive director, American Biogas Council
- Wilfred Chen, professor, University of Delaware
- Jeffrey Reed, director of business strategy and development, Southern California Gas Company/San Diego Gas & Electric
- David Ross, managing director, MultiGen International, LLC
- Sarah Studer, ORISE Fellow—Fuel Cell Technologies Office, U.S. Department of Energy
Breakout Session 3-D: How States are Promoting Advanced Biofuels
- Bruce E. Dale, University Distinguished Professor, Michigan State University
- Doug Hoelscher, director, Office of State-Federal Relations, State of Iowa
- Brendan Jordan, vice-president, Great Plains Institute
- Jacques Beaudry-Losique, senior vice-president, Corporate and Business Development, Algenol
Plenary V: Biofuels and Sustainability: Acknowledging Challenges and Confronting Misconceptions
- David Babson, senior fuels engineer, Union of Concerned Scientists
- Barbara Bramble, senior director for International Wildlife Conservation at National Wildlife Federation and Chair of Board of Directors for the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials
- Jennifer B. Dunn, Energy Systems and Sustainability Analyst, Argonne National Laboratory
- Lee R. Lynd, professor of engineering, Dartmouth College
Afternoon Keynote
- Gregory L. Rorrer, program director, Energy for Sustainability Program, Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems, National Science Foundation
Conference Close and Thank You
- Jonathan Male, director, Bioenergy Technologies Office, U.S. Department of Energy