
Go Local on the New

Check out our new and easy to use Tax Credits, Rebates and Savings feature for saving opportunities in your home town, county and state.

August 4, 2011
minute read time

Want to learn how you can save money by saving energy? Check out our new and easy to use Tax Credits, Rebates and Savings feature for saving opportunities in your home town, county and state.

Curious about how much you are spending on energy and how that compares with other homes across the country? Check out our Energy Consumption interactive map on our new Maps and Data section.

Or, perhaps you want to read more on what the Energy Department is doing to build a new energy economy and drive the U.S. to win the global energy race. Check out our Science & Innovation topic page.

Long story short: Welcome to the new!

This is the next step in our efforts to improve the delivery of energy information and online services and better connect Energy Department data and resources with what’s happening in your backyard.

As Secretary Chu noted, “Our goal is to make easier to use, more transparent and more participatory. This next phase is part of our ongoing commitment to empower consumers and businesses with information, tools and services they need to create jobs, save money and find opportunities in the new energy economy.”

The reform initiative is part of President Obama’s Campaign to Cut Waste, a dedicated effort across the federal government to streamline operations, end unnecessary spending and save taxpayers money. In this latest phase, eleven Departmental program offices moved their websites’ content to the new platform.

This is a work in progress. We’re striving every day to improve the delivery of Energy Department information and services via And we want to hear from you on how we can make it better. So, take a look around and let us know what you think and what you'd like to see next. 

Oh – and come back often.

What does this mean for me?

  • Find local tax credits, rebates and savings to help you save money and energy. 
  • Learn more about your energy consumption and expenditures and how that compares with homes across the country.
  • Discover what the Energy Department is doing in your community to build a new clean energy economy. 
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Clean Energy
  • Renewable Energy
  • Energy Policy

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