Small Business Programs and Procurement Vehicles

The Department of Energy (DOE) procurement opportunities are presented on the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) Acquisition Forecast page, include:

  • Federal Acquisition Forecast which includes procurements to support DOE at Headquarters (HQ) and the DOE site Federal Field Offices;
  • The Management and Operating Contractors (M&O)/Facility Management Contractors (FMCs)  Acquisition Forecasts that includes procurements run by the M&Os/FMCs at each DOE contractor managed site; and
  • Other Federal agency procurements that are found on, FedConnect, and GSA eBuy.

There are additional DOE contract and procurement vehicles that offer specific small business opportunities and set-asides specifically for small businesses.  This section provides information for current vehicles that benefit small businesses.


The SCMC is a Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) service organization that works closely with DOE contractors to leverage $4B of annual spend, to yield lower prices and optimize business systems, and provide cost savings. The collaboration and close working relationships with the contractor community can help the enterprise system to achieve integration, leveraged spend, and overall reduced acquisition cost.
The SCMC uses contracting criteria that ensures compliance and fair market competition resulting in the overall best value for contract awards while supporting the development of local, small and minority owned businesses through the following focus areas:

  • Strategic Tools - eSourcing/eProcurement, eStore/Marketplace;
  • Commodity Agreements;
  • Client Requirements - In-depth understanding of internal purchasing needs;
  • Strategic Planning - Insight and knowledge of commodity/supply markets; and
  • Approach - Inclusive, collaborative method used to drive solutions.

Please visit the SCMC website for additional small business resources and strategic tools.


The four DOE PMAs are major sponsors of small business contracting, subcontracting, and partnering.  Historically, the four PMAs [Bonneville (BPA), Western Area (WAPA), South Eastern (SEPA), and South Western (SWPA)] have committed between 50% and 90% of all procurements and awards to small business each over the last 5 years, equating to over $300 million per year to small businesses. The PMAs support DOE's socioeconomic objectives by striving to award a fair portion of their total contracts to qualified small businesses, businesses owned by socially or economically disadvantaged individuals and woman- and veteran-owned small firms. The table below provides a list of the predominant North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes used by the PMAs as they contract or subcontract with small businesses. 

NAICS Code NAICS Description
237130 Power and Communication Line and Related Structures
541519 Other Computer Related Services
335311 Power, Distribution and Specialty Transformer Manufacturing
335313 Switchgear and Switchboard Apparatus Manufacturing
541330 Engineering Services
541612 Human Resources Consulting
237130 Power and Communication Line and Related Structures Construction
541511 Custom Computer Program Services
335311 Power Distribution and Specialty Transformer Manufacturing

Please visit the PMAs website for additional helpful information about PMAs small business opportunities and links to each of the four PMAs sites that maintain their own procurement and acquisition information.


The DOE FEMP Program Office provides significant opportunities for small businesses to subcontract to Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) that have been awarded an IDIQ FEMP contract.  The 21 awarded ESCOs (20 large businesses and one small business) respond to Government wide procurements to improve energy efficiency in Federal buildings across the nation. The ESCOs partner with and utilize small businesses as subcontractors.  Currently approximately 30% of all ESCO subcontracting goes to small businesses with a potential for that to grow in the future during the next FEMP IDIQ recompete.  The table below provides a list of the scope of work typically completed by small businesses as subcontractors to the ESCOs.  For more information on the FEMP program and to learn about opportunities for small businesses, please visit the FEMP website.

Scope of Work Scope of Work (cont.)
Boiler and chiller plants Renewable energy
Energy management control systems Energy/utility distribution
Building envelope Water and wastewater
HVAC Electrical peak shaving/load shifting
Chilled/hot water and steam distribution Rate adjustments
Lighting Energy-related process improvements
Electric motors/drives Commissioning
Refrigeration Advanced metering
Distributed generation Appliance/plug load reductions


The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) enterprise-wide TEPS III BPA enables DOE and NNSA to efficiently access pre-qualified teams of Small Business Contractor Teaming Arrangement (CTA) contractors (partnered with small and large business subcontractors) to provide best-value solutions to meet technical, engineering, and programmatic services. The BPA is comprised of the following eight BPA Task Areas:


Ordering Offices 

DOE and NNSA CO’s from any Non-M&O/FMC office may place Orders under this BPA. The current TEPS III BPA’s ordering period is through October 2027. The anticipated value of the task orders awarded under TEPS III is $2B. 

Benefits of the TEPS BPA:

  • Fast/Low Risk Procurements (Request for Quotation (RFQ) issued to award average: 4-6 weeks);
  • Pre-qualified small business CTA team of contractors with extensive DOE experience;
  • All CTA members possess DOE/NNSA facility clearances;
  • Small business credit for awards under the TEPS III BPA; and
  • Program and ordering offices have control over technical and contractual award and execution.
  • Orders placed directly against General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contracts.

Contract Administrators

Any DOE or NNSA Contracting officer may issue a Task Order under this BPA. The table below lists the BPA Administrators that are available for guidance on how to utilize this BPA.

BPA Contracting Officer/Contract Specialist: Kyle Krzywicki BPA Advisor: Gary Lyttek
Email: Email:
Phone: (202) 586-0831 Phone: (202) 586-8304

NAICS/Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code and Small Business Size Standards

The table below shows the NAICS codes available under TEPS III.

NAICS Code NAICS Description Small Business Size Standard
541330 Engineering Services See for the most current size standards and exceptions.
541611 Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services
541620 Environmental Consulting Services
562910 Remediation Services
541715 Research and Development

The latest TEPS III information can be found on PowerPedia: Blanket purchase agreement - Powerpedia (