Smart Grid Primer (Smart Grid Books)


The Smart Grid: An Introduction, prepared 2008, is a publication sponsored by DOE’s Office of Electricity that explores – in layman’s terms – the nature, challenges, opportunities and necessity of Smart Grid implementation.  Additional books, released in 2009, target the interests of specific stakeholder groups: Consumer Advocates, Utilities, Technology Providers, Regulators, Policy Makers, and Environmental Groups, to explain in greater detail what the Smart Grid will mean to each. 

General Public

The Smart Grid: An Introduction

Consumer Advocates

What the Smart Grid Means to Americans

Environmental Groups

How the Smart Grid Promotes a Greener Future


What the Smart Grid Means to You and the People You Serve

Technology Providers

What the Smart Grid Means to America's Future


What the Smart Grid Means to You and the People you Represent

Policy Makers

 What a Smart Grid Means to Our Nation's Future

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