16-55-LNG Iberdrola Energiá Monterrey S.A. de C.V. (FTA)

Application filed April 26, 2016 by Iberdrola Energiá Monterrey S.A. de C.V. (“IEM”) to the DOE Office of Fossil Energy for long-term authorization to export to Mexico (FTA)  up to 55,000 million British Thermal Units (“MMBtu”) per day of natural gas for a 20-year term to commence on August 1, 2016. Any such exports will be performed under long-term transportation and supply agreements.

No,DateFiled BY:Document Type
14/26/16Iberdrola Energiá Monterrey S.A. de C.V.Application
25/31/16U.S. Department of EnergyOrder 3827