EA-2049: University of Maine’s New England Aqua Ventus I, An Offshore Wind Advanced Technology Demonstration Project, Offshore Monhegan Island in the Gulf of Maine

Project Information

The DOE is proposing to provide funding to the University of Maine to support the development of an offshore wind advanced technology demonstration project (i.e., New England Aqua Ventus I) consisting of one turbine on a floating foundation in the Gulf of Maine, approximately 2.5 miles south of Monhegan Island, Lincoln County, Maine and 12 miles off the mainland.

The University of Maine continues to work with the DOE in support of DOE's National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review.  DOE is responsible for reviewing and evaluating all information prepared by the University of Maine, subcontractors, and/or other agencies prior to this information being shared with the public to ensure all information meets DOE expectations and requirements.

*Note - The University of Maine has a website for this project:  http://maineaquaventus.com.  The developer (New England Aqua Ventus) also has a website for this project:  https://newenglandaquaventus.com/.  DOE does not oversee either of these websites.

Learn more about the U.S. Department of Energy’s Offshore Wind Advanced Technology Demonstration Projects.

For information on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permitting process for the proposed New England Aqua Ventus I project, please contact Ruthann Brien via email at ruthann.a.brien@usace.army.mil.

What's New

Fall 2022 - The draft Environmental Assessment (EA) will be temporarily paused while the University of Maine and NEAV consider critical decisions.

Winter 2021/Summer 2022 - The University of Maine is completing additional studies including onshore cable route surveys and updating previous studies completed when the project had two turbines.

Summer/Fall 2021 - DOE is working with the University of Maine and NEAV to complete the draft EA.

Spring 2021 - On May 26, 2021 DOE conducted two virtual public scoping informational meetings. The public scoping comment period ended on June 11, 2021. See the Spring 2021 Public Scoping Meetings page.

Winter 2020-2021 - DOE, along with the United States Army Corps of Engineers as a participating agency, is re-initiating the Draft EA on the revised proposed project.  The University of Maine has begun collaborating with NEAV as a partner and project developer.

Summer 2020 - The University of Maine was approved to revise the proposed project from two turbines to one turbine.  Please check back for updated information on the NEPA process.

Spring/Summer 2018 - The University of Maine is exploring possible subsea cable route alternatives. The University would complete key studies including marine and terrestrial archaeological surveys, historic property identification and sound studies to support the subsea cable route selection and development of the draft EA.

Winter 2017-2018 – The University of Maine is completing key studies including marine and terrestrial archaeological surveys, historic property identification and sound studies which are needed to support the draft EA development.

Summer 2017 - The Draft EA for this proposed project is being developed.  DOE has also initiated National Historic Preservation Act section 106 consultation for the proposed project and is identifying potential consulting parties including Native American tribes, local historical societies and town officials to participate in the section 106 consultation process.

Spring 2017 - On February 28, 2017 DOE conducted two public scoping informational meetings in Tenants Harbor, Maine.  On March 1, 2017 DOE conducted a public scoping informational meeting on Monhegan Island, Maine.  DOE would like to thank all of those who were able to participate in these meetings.  The public scoping comment period ended on March 22, 2017.


None available at this time.