EIS-0444: Final Environmental Impact Statement

Texas Clean Energy Project, Ector County, Texas

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

August 5, 2011
minute read time
Texas Clean Energy Project, Ector County, Texas

This final environmental impact statement (EIS) provides information about the potential environmental impacts associated with the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) proposal to provide limited financial assistance (approximately $450 million), through a cooperative agreement, to Summit Texas Clean Energy, LLC (Summit) for the proposed Texas Clean Energy Project (TCEP). The TCEP would use coal-based integrated gasification combined-cycle technology to generate electric power and would capture carbon dioxide (CO2) for use in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and eventual sequestration. The plant would generate 400 megawatts (gross) of electricity, of which 130–213 megawatts would be provided to the power grid. It would also produce urea, argon, and sulfuric acid for sale in commercial markets. Because of its multiple production capabilities, the plant is referred to as a polygeneration (polygen) plant. DOE would provide approximately 26 percent of the project’s total capital cost of at least $1.73 billion (2009 dollars).