EIS-0403: Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement

Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States (AZ, CA, CO, NV, NM, and UT)

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

July 24, 2012
minute read time

Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States (AZ, CA, CO, NV, NM, and UT)

The BLM and DOE have jointly prepared this PEIS to evaluate actions that the agencies are considering taking to further facilitate utility-scale solar energy development in six southwestern states.

For the BLM, this includes the evaluation of a new Solar Energy Program applicable to solar development on BLM-administered lands. For DOE, it includes the evaluation of developing new guidance to further facilitate utility-scale solar energy development and maximize the mitigation of associated potential environmental impacts. This Solar PEIS evaluates the potential environmental, social, and economic effects of the agencies’ proposed actions and alternatives.  For additional information, please visit the Solar PEIS website at http://solareis.anl.gov.