Categorical Exclusion Determinations issued by Western Area Power Administration-Sierra Nevada Region.

Documents Available for Download

CX-023138: Carr-Keswick 230-kV off ROW Weed Control
WAPA proposes to apply herbicide at the recommended prescribed rate for weed control targeting Diffuse Knapweed on the CAR-KE 230kV off ROW and acc…
CX-023139: Vegetation Management at CO-MOW and FRIT-FRI 12-kV Lines
WAPA proposes to maintain a vegetation free zone around and adjacent to the poles using a combination of pre- and post-emergent herbicide applicati…
CX-023140: COTP RAH and OSO Microwave Radio Antenna Installation
WAPA proposes to perform all removal of the existing antennas, dehydrators and waveguides and installation of the new antennas, dehydrators and wav…
CX-023036: Folsom-Roseville 2/2 Off-ROW Willow Removal
Western Area Power Administration, Sierra Nevada Region (WAPA) is responsible for the operation and maintenance of several federally owned and oper…