Categorical Exclusion Determinations issued by Western Area Power Administration-Sierra Nevada Region.

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CX-023798: Captain Jack-Olinda 500-kV Tower 479-480 Off ROW Tree Removal
WAPA proposes to remove one White Fir tree on the east side of the ROW between towers 479 and 480.…
CX-023572: Captain Jack-Olinda 459 Spacer Replacement Landing Zone
WAPA proposes emergency replacement of a spacer on one span of its CPJ-ODA transmission line, near a crossing of the Pit River.…
CX-023379: Airport-Cottonwood 230-kV Tower 14-1 Off ROW Tree Removal
Western Area Power Administration, Sierra Nevada Region (WAPA) is responsible for the operation and maintenance of several federally owned and oper…
CX-023378: Carr-Keswick Tower 4/4 Replacement Project
The Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), Sierra Nevada Region (SN), proposes to replace tower 4/4 on the Carr-Keswick No. 1 and No. 2 (CAR-KE)…