Categorical Exclusion Determinations issued by Western Area Power Administration-Desert Southwest Region.

Documents Available for Download

CX-028105: Sonora Wellfield Transformers
WAPA proposes to design and construct new power infrastructure to upgrade nine of the existing well sites and power three additional well sites.…
CX-027960: Pinnacle Peak to Rogers 230-kV Transmission Line Storm Damage Rebuild
WAPA proposes to replace twenty temporary wooden structures and one existing steel monopole with new steel monopoles.…
CX-027959: Gila 69-kV Switchyard Rebuild Project
Project includes the removal of all abandoned-in-place 161-kV equipment, structures, bus and foundations and construction of a new 69-kV switchyard…
CX-027575: Spook Hill Substation Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Oil-Filled Equipment Removal, and Demolition
The Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) proposes to conduct a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) to evaluate the extent of possible …