SMR LTS Site Permitting and Licensing Projects

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA): As a cost-sharing participant in the B&W mPower America award, TVA has been conducting site characterization activities for several years at their Clinch River, Tennessee, site. In FY 2015 DOE entered into an interagency agreement (IA) directly with TVA to complete site characterization activities, develop an Early Site Permit Application for a generic SMR using conservative parameters from all SMR vendors and support its review by NRC; and to develop a COLA and its associated review by the NRC. 

Key project accomplishments will include:

  • Completing the Clinch River Site Environmental Report
  • Submitting the ESP application to the NRC and supporting its review
  • Developing a Combined Operating License Application for the selected SMR technology

NuScale/UAMPS: NuScale power has teamed up with Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems (UAMPS) to conduct site characterization activities at the Idaho National Laboratory and to develop COLA documentation. In FY 2015 the Department awarded a cost-shared cooperative agreement to select a site and secure land and water rights, conduct site characterization of the selected site, develop COLA documentation, and negotiate and execute appropriate long-lead required project and business arrangements.

Key project accomplishments will include:

  • Finalize Site Selection Report recommending a specific site
  • Complete business and economic analyses to inform a Decision to Proceed to Combined Operating License Application development phase
    • Economic Competitive Tests
    • Power Sales
    • Secure Water Rights
  • Site characterization activities of selected site
  • Develop Combined Operating License Application documentation


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