Acquisition Letter (AL) 2013-08 and Financial Assistance Letter (FAL) 2013-05 provide Contracting Officers with notice of the recently passed, Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2012 (WPEA), Pub.L. 112-199, and the DOECAST issued in response on April 24, 2013. This AL/FAL informs DOE/NNSA Contracting Officers to update any Non-Disclosure Policies, Forms, Certificates, Agreements, and Acknowledgements (collectively "NDAs") to be used with Federal employees participating in proposal or application evaluations, source selection situations as well as in merit review situations, to conform to the new requirements of this law. It also informs DOE/NNSA Contracting Officers on how to document the notification to Federal employees of the new protections stated in the WPEA if they have signed NDAs without the new statement as required by the WPEA.