Office of Carbon Management

FECM’s Office of Carbon Management supports research, development, demonstration, and deployment aimed at achieving a net-zero carbon economy by focusing on the entire carbon management value chain of capture, removal, conversion, transport, and geologic storage.  

Activities to deliver the Office’s mission center on investments in technological readiness and analysis. To do so, the department researches a portfolio of carbon management approaches to improve performance, reduce costs, and scale the deployment of the technologies. These efforts aim to decarbonize the power and industrial sectors and  remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. 

The Office of Carbon Management comprises two major offices:

The Office of Carbon Management Technologies leads and invests in research, development, demonstration, and deployment across five divisions: Point Source Carbon Capture; Carbon Transport and Storage; Carbon Dioxide Removal; Carbon Conversion; and Hydrogen with Carbon Management.

The Office of Policy, Analysis, and Engagement leads in strategic activities and international and intra-governmental coordination across three divisions: Policy and Analysis; Engagement; and Federal Partnerships. 

For more information contact If there is a specific program area or topic(s) of interest, please include that in the subject line.
