Office of Fossil Energy’s Technical Assistance


Office of Fossil Energy’s Technical Assistance:

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy is offering technical assistance to state public utility commissioners and officials, generation owners and operators, utilities, and various other stakeholders from state, local and tribal organizations. The goal of our technical assistance program is to provide help with strategic energy planning and project development.

Need Technical Assistance:

The Office of Fossil Energy is offering technical assistance in the following subject areas that it has expertise and analysis capabilities in. Click a topic area to find the appropriate contact.

Potential Technical Assistance Topic Areas:

  1. EPA regulations - Analysis to Support Planning
    a. MATS, 111(b), 111(d), 316(b), CCR, CSAPR, etc
  2. Storage Infrastructure
  3. Major Demonstration Projects
  4. Department of Energy and the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC)
  5. Fossil capacity and resources in your State or Region
  6. Natural Gas – Electric Interdependencies
  7. Carbon Utilization in Your State or Region
  8. Advanced Fossil Energy Technology Solutions
  9. Financing Solutions and Innovative Programs to Enable Investment in Advanced Fossil Energy Projects

For more information:

Office of Fossil Energy homepage
National Energy Technology Laboratory homepage