Alaska LNG Project LLC - FE Dkt. No. - 14-96-LNG

Alaska LNG Project LLC - FE Dkt. No. - 14-96-LNG

Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management

September 5, 2024
minute read time

The Office of Fossil Energy gives notice of receipt of an application filed on July 18, 2014, by, Alaska LNG Project LLC submits this application requesting long-term authorization to export 20 million metric tons per annum (“MTPA”) of liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) (approximately 929 billion cubic feet (“Bcf”) per annum of natural gas using a conversion factor of 46.467 Bcf1 of natural gas per million metric tons of LNG) produced from Alaska sources for a 30-year period. The requested 30-year export term is fully supported herein by the accompanying studies and is appropriate and required due to the unique nature of the proposed Alaska LNG project (“Project”), including the size, scope, costs, required upstream development, and project development timeline that are more significant than any LNG project in the lower 48 states of the United States (“lower 48”). Consistent therewith, Alaska LNG Project LLC requests that the authorization commence on the earlier of (i) the date of first export from the liquefaction facility or (ii) 12 years from the date the requested authorization is granted. Comment period is now closed.

Link to comments in response to 11/17/14 F.R. Notice:  Comments, Protests, Motions, Interventions and Answers.

Off-The-Record Communication for FE Docket No. 14-96-LNG


1.7/18/2014Alaska LNG Project LLCApplication for Long-term Export of Liquefied Natural Gas to  Free Trade and Non-free Trade Agreement Nations. 
2.9/5/2014Alaska LNG Project LLCSupplemental Information
3.9/12/2014U.S. Department of Energy79 FR 55764 - Federal Register Notice of Application
4.10/14/2014 - 12/8/2014VariousComments, Protests and Interventions for Alaska LNG Project LLC - 14-96-LNG
5.11/21/2014U.S. Department of EnergyDOE/FE Order No. 3554; Order 3554 Granting Long-term, Multi-contract Authorization to Export LNG by Vessel from the Proposed Alaska LNG Project in the Nikiski Area of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska to Free Trade Agreement Nations
6.12/2/2014Alaska LNG Project LLCAnswer to Limited Protests
7.5/28/2015U.S. Department of EnergyConditional Order 3643 Granting Long-term, Multi-contract Authorization to Export LNG by Vessel from the Proposed Alaska LNG Project in the Nikiski Area of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska to Non-free Trade Agreement Nations
8.6/1/2015Alaska LNG Project LLCNotification of Change in Counsel for Applicant
9.6/6/2016Alaska LNG Project LLCChange to Official Service List
10.6/3/2020U.S. Department of EnergyEmail from DOE to the Federal Infrastructure Permitting Steering Council
11.7/6/2020Alaska LNG Project LLCNotification Regarding Change in Control 
12.8/12/2020U.S. Department of EnergyResponse to Notification Regarding Change in Control 
13.8/20/2020U.S. Department of EnergyFinal Opinion and Order 3643-A Granting Long-Term Authorization to Export Liquefied Natural Gas to Non-Free Trade Agreement Nations
14.09/09/2020U.S. Department of Energy85 FR 55672 - Record of Decision
15.09/21/2020The Sierra ClubRequest for Rehearing
16.10/06/2020Alaska Gasline Development CorporationMotion of Alaska Gasline Development Corporation for Leave to Answer and Answer to Sierra Club's Request for Rehearing 
17.10/20/2020U.S. Department of EnergyNotice Providing For Further Consideration of Request for Rehearing And Motion For Leave To Answer 
18.10/27/2020Alaska Gasline Development CorporationChange of Point of Contact
19.12/16/2020Sierra ClubPetition 20-1503 Sierra Club v. DOE
20.12/17/2020U.S. Department of EnergyCategorical Exclusion Determination 
21.12/18/2020U.S. Department of EnergyPolicy Statement on Including Short-Term Export Authority in Long-Term LNG Export Authorizations
22.04/15/2021U.S. Department of EnergyDOE/FECM Order No. 3643-B; Order on Rehearing
23.06/02/2021American Petroleum Institute (API)Notice of Withdrawal and Substitution of Counsel
24.06/28/2021U.S. Department of EnergyNotice of Intent to Prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Alaska LNG Project
(served on June 30, 2021)
25.06/30/2021United States Court of AppealsOrder Granting Abeyance 
26.07/02/2021U.S. Department of Energy86 FR 35280 Published Federal Register Notice of Intent to Prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Alaska LNG Project
27.08/24/2021U.S. Department of EnergyNotice of Schedule for Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
28.02/25/2022U.S. Department of EnergyNotice of Amended Schedule for Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
29.05/10/2022Alaska Governor Michael Dunleavy Off-the-Record Communication 
30.06/24/2022U.S. Department of EnergyNotice of Availability for the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Alaska LNG Project
31.06/29/2022U.S. Department of Energy87 FR 38730 - Notice of Availability for the Draft Supplemental Environmental Statement for the Alaska LNG Project 
32.08/19/2022Cook Inletkeeper and Center for Biological Diversity

Motion to Intervene

Supplemental Information

33.08/30/2022Alaska Gasline Development CorporationAnswer of Alaska Gasline Development Corporation in Opposition to Motion for Late Intervention of Cook Inletkeeper and Center for Biological Diversity
34.10/28/2022U.S. Department of EnergySecond Notice of Amended Schedule for Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
35.11/17/2022U.S. Department of EnergyEmail Communication with Cook Inletkeeper and Center for Biological Diversity
36.01/06/2023U.S. Department of EnergyNotice of Availability of the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Alaska LNG Project
37.01/11/2023U.S. Department of Energy88 FR 1571 - Federal Register Notice of Availability of the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Alaska LNG Project
38.03/29/2023U.S. Department of EnergyThird Notice of Amended Schedule for Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
39.04/13/2023U.S. Department of EnergyDOE/FE Order No. 3643-C; Order Affirming and Amending DOE/FE Order No. 3643-A Following Partial Grant of Rehearing
40.04/20/2023Members of the Public

Off the Record Communication 

*Identical form letter submitted by 25 members of the public

41.04/21/2023U.S. Department of EnergyPolicy Statement on Export Commencement Deadlines in Authorizations to Export Natural Gas to Non-Free Trade Agreement Countries
42.05/01/2023U.S. Department of Energy88 FR 26533 - Amended Record of Decision
43.05/15/2023Center for Biological Diversity, Cook Inletkeeper and Sierra ClubRequest for Rehearing of Order Granting Authorization of The Alaska LNG Project
44.06/08/2023Alaska Gasline Development CorporationMotion of Alaska Gasline Development Corporation for Leave to Answer and Answer to Intervenors' Request for Rehearing
45.06/08/2023U.S. Department of EnergyEmail Notification of Incomplete Submission
46.06/09/2023Alaska Gasline Development CorporationVerification 
47.06/14/2023U.S. Department of EnergyDOE/FECM Order No. 3643-D: Order Denying Request for Rehearing of DOE/FECM Order No. 3643-C Affirming and Amending DOE/FE Order No. 3643-A
48.09/05/2024Alaska LNG Project LLCRequest to Update Service List