CCPI Round 2 Selections

In October 2004, the U.S. Department of Energy announced its second round of project selections in the Clean Coal Power Initiative (CCPI).  CCPI is a $2 billion, 10-year program to develop and demonstrate a new generation of power plant technologies.  These power plants will be fueled by coal, the nation's most used fuel for electric power generation, but will achieve substantially reduced emissions of sulfur, nitrogen and mercury compounds.  Some of the projects also will significantly lessen the release of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. 

The following projects were selected from 13 proposals in the 2nd round of competition for joint government-industry financing:

Peabody Mustang Clean Coal Project - Milan, NM (Withdrawn)
The Peabody Mustang Clean Coal Project teams Peabody Energy with co-sponsor Airborne Clean Energy, along with Veolia Water North America, and Icon Construction, in a commercial-scale demonstration of the "Airborne Process" scrubber, regeneration system, and fertilizer production systems at the Mustang Energy Company LLC's 300 megawatt coal-fired Mustang Generating Station in Milan, New Mexico.

The $79 million project, for which the Energy Department will provide $19.7 million, will develop an innovative and cost-competitive multi-pollutant control process for achieving 99.5 percent removal of sulfur dioxide, 98 percent removal of SO3 (sulfuric acid mist precursor), 98 percent removal of nitrogen oxides, and 90 percent total system removal of mercury from plant emissions, while turning the byproducts into a high-quality high-value granular fertilizer.
Link to Project Factsheet > 

Southern Company Services - Orange County, FL (Active)
Southern Company Services, in a team effort with Southern Power Company, Orlando Utilities Commission, and Kellogg Brown and Root, had planned to construct a 285-megawatt coal-based gasification plant near Orlando at the Orlando Utilities Commission's Stanton Energy Center in Orange County, Florida. On November 14, 2007, Southern Company and Orlando Utilities Commission announced cancellation of the Orlando project due to state regulations uncertainties.

In May 2008, DOE granted approval to relocate the demonstration to Kemper County, Mississippi. Southern Company plans to demonstrate use of an air-blown integrated gasification combined cycle system power plant based on the transport gasifier, which employs Kellogg Brown and Root's catalytic cracking technology that has been used successfully for over 50 years in the petroleum refining industry. The total cost for the demonstration project is $2.67 billion, of which DOE will contribute $270 million as the federal cost share. 
Link to Project Bibliography > 
Link to Final EIS for Kemper County IGCC Project >
Link to the Record of Decision for Kemper County IGCC Project >

Mesaba Energy Project - Hoyt Lakes, MN (Active)
Excelsior Energy Inc., in a team effort with ConocoPhillips, will receive $36 million in DOE funds for partial support of a $2.155 billion project to construct and operate the 531-megawatt Mesaba Energy Project in Hoyt Lakes, Minnesota. DOE's contribution would be used to demonstrate the next generation of Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle power plants.  The Mesaba project would upgrade the performance of gasification-based power plants based on lessons learned at the Wabash River Coal Gasification Repowering Project in Terre Haute, Indiana, which was constructed under the Department of Energy's Clean Coal Technology Program and has been operating since 1995. Excelsior expects the Mesaba Project to achieve 15 percent improvement in gasification plant availability and improved thermal efficiency at lower installed costs. 
Link to Draft Environmental Impact Statement >
Link to Final Environmental Impact Statement >
Link to Project Bibliography >

 NeuCo Inc. (formerly Pegasus Technologies) Project - Jewett, TX (Active)

egasus Technologies, Inc., in a joint effort with Texas Genco (now NRG Energy, Inc.), will demonstrate advanced multi-pollutant controls, including mercury reduction, at an existing 890-megawatt utility boiler at Jewett, Texas.  Using non-intrusive advanced sensor and optimization technologies, the demonstration project is intended to minimize emissions while maximizing the electric power generating efficiency of the plant. Pegasus plans to apply advanced state-of-the-art sensors and neural network based optimization and control technologies to maximize the oxidation or capture of mercury vapor in the boiler flue gas. Artificial intelligence and simulation technologies would control and optimize all the major facets of a power plant.  A "cold-side Electrostatic Precipitator" rated at approximately 99.8 percent particulate removal efficiency and a wet limestone Flue Gas Desulfurization system rated at approximately 90 percent SO2 removal efficiency will also be used to reduce air emissions. Both of the devices would potentially be capable of removing mercury from the unit's flue gas. Pegasus will receive $6.08 million in DOE funds to conduct this $12.16 million project.
Link to Project Bibliography >