Performance Objective:

Lines of authority are clearly defined with clear and open communications existing between all departments and all levels.


  • Dialogue exists between personnel involved in engineering/design, operations, maintenance, safety issues, and remedial actions.
  • Personnel within the departments are promptly informed on issues as they occur on a need-to-know basis.
  • Lessons Learned and feedback is encouraged inter-departmentally regarding safety, adequate resources, and processes to enable prompt and effective corrective actions and resolutions for mission accomplishment.
  • Management has an effective and specified chain of communication in both directions between corporate and facility management.  (DOE/EH-0135)
  • Instructions to the staff are current with superseded or voided documents removed from use.  (DOE/EH-0135)
  • Necessary documents are available to personnel  at appropriate locations   (DOE/EH-0135)
  • Policies and procedures specifying controls over safety-related documents are in place and followed.  (DOE/EH-0135)