Hybrid and Vehicle Systems

Hybrid and vehicle systems research provides an overarching vehicle systems perspective to the technology research and development (R&D) activities of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) vehicle research programs, and identifies major opportunities for improving vehicle efficiencies. The effort evaluates and validates the integration of technologies, provides component and vehicle benchmarking, develops and validates heavy hybrid propulsion technologies, and develops technologies to reduce the parasitic losses from heavy vehicle systems. Analytic and empirical tools are used to model and simulate potential vehicle systems, validate component performance in a systems context, benchmark emerging technology, and validate computer models. Extensive collaboration with the technology development activities is required for success. The results of hybrid and vehicle systems activities are used to estimate the national benefits and impacts of DOE-sponsored technology development, and successfully transfer developed technology to industry. A brochure about DOE's plug-in hybrid electric vehicle research is available.

Industrial Partnerships

The hybrid and vehicle systems team works with its industry partners in the U.S. DRIVE Partnership and the 21st Century Truck Partnership to identify and select the appropriate research and development objectives. Projects are conducted through a variety of mechanisms including: cooperative agreements, cooperative research and development agreements (CRADAs), university grants, subcontracts, and in-house research funded at DOE's national laboratories. Research partners include: vehicle and engine manufacturers, universities, material suppliers, nonprofit technology organizations, and the national laboratories.

Hybrid Electric Systems: Goals, Strategies, and Top Accomplishments

A brochure describing the work the Vehicle Technologies Office is doing in the areas of hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and all-electric vehicles is available.

  • Hybrid Electric Systems: Goals, Strategies, and Top Accomplishments

Current Annual Progress Report

<p><a href="node/847006">Vehicle Technologies Program: Goals, Strategies, and Top Accomplishments</a><br />Fact sheet describing the Vehicle Technologies Program integrated portfolio of advanced vehicle and fuel research, development, demonstration, and deployment activities.&nbsp;<a href="http://www1.eere.energy.gov/library/viewdetails.aspx?productid=4948&amp… href="http://www1.eere.energy.gov/library/resultssearch.aspx?IDProduct=4948&a… Publications</a></li><li><a href="http://www1.eere.energy.gov/library/default.aspx?page=8">Go To Library</a></li></ul>