Fact #951: November 14, 2016 Medium and Heavy Trucks Account for About a Quarter of Highway Vehicle Fuel Use

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Medium and heavy trucks make up about 4% of the vehicle population. Due to their larger size, heavier payloads, and greater travel distances, medium and heavy trucks use more than one quarter of the total highway fuel consumption and account for almost 30% on-road of CO2 emissions.

Highway Vehicle Population, Fuel Use, and CO2 Emissions by Vehicle Type, 2014

Highway Vehicle Population, Fuel Use, and CO2 Emissions by Vehicle Type in 2014

Notes: MMT=million metric tons. Data do not include buses or motorcycles.

Fact #951 Dataset

Supporting Information

Highway Vehicle Population, Fuel Use, and CO2 Emissions by Vehicle Type, 2014
 Cars and Light TrucksMedium and Heavy TrucksTotalShare of Cars and Light TrucksShare of Medium and Heavy Trucks
Number of Vehicles (Millions)2401125196%4%
Gallons of Fuel (Billions)1274417174%26%
Carbon Dioxide Emissions (Million metric tons)1,0514211,47171%29%

Note: Does not include buses or motorcycles.
Sources: Number of vehicles and gallons of fuel: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics 2014, Table VM-1, December 2015.
Carbon dioxide emissions: U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks, 1990-2014, Table 3-12, April 2016.

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