-- These projects are inactive --

In 2010, DOE issued the Baseload Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) Generation funding opportunity announcement (FOA). The following projects were selected under this competitive solicitation:
- Abengoa: Advanced Nitrate Salt Central Receiver Power Plant
- eSolar: Modular and Scalable Baseload Molten Salt Plant Conceptual Design and Feasibility
- General Atomics: Baseload CSP Generation Integrated with Sulfur-Based Thermochemical Heat Storage
- HiTek: Low-Cost Heliostat Development
- Infinia: Innovative Phase Change Thermal Energy Storage Solution for Baseload Power
- PPG: Next-Generation Low-Cost Reflector
- Rocketdyne: Solar Power Tower Improvements with the Potential to Reduce Costs
- SENER: High-Efficiency Thermal Storage System for Solar Plants
- Skyfuel: High-Concentration, Low-Cost Parabolic Trough System for Baseload CSP Generation
- Suntrough: Low-Cost Solar Thermal Collector
- Terrafore: Encapsulated Phase Change Material in Thermal Storage for Baseload CSP Plants
- University of South Florida: Innovative Thermal Energy Storage for Baseload Solar Power Generation
- Wilson: Brayton Cycle Baseload Power Tower