Million Solar Strong: U.S. Hits Millionth Solar Energy Installation

Solar Energy Technologies Office

April 21, 2016
minute read time

Today GreenTech Media announced that the U.S. solar energy industry passed 1 million installations sometime around the end of February. This news comes as solar continues to represent a major and growing share of the new generation that comes online across the U.S.

Additionally, it is expected that the next million installations will be placed in the next two years. The exponential growth in solar has been driven by the significant drop in prices, driven by our work in the SunShot Initiative. By the end of the decade, we are on track to meet our goal of making solar fully cost-competitive with traditional forms of energy throughout the country.

But what’s next? Stay tuned! SunShot will be releasing some important reports and funding opportunities that will lay out a path to getting to the next few million installations. Sign up here to get the news first!

The Million Solar Strong celebration commemorates this major milestone, and we would love for you to celebrate with us. Here’s how you can show your solar support on social media:

How to Get Involved

Catch the Sun: Check out the documentary Catching the Sun, which premiers on Netflix tomorrow on Earth Day. It should provide motivation for anyone who appreciates the jobs, economic activity and clean energy that solar is bringing to our nation. Follow the film's progress and news about related events on Twitter (@suncatchermovie or #SunDoc).

Please join us over the next several weeks as we celebrate the tremendous progress made to make solar energy more affordable and accessible for all Americans!

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  • Solar Energy
  • Clean Energy
  • Renewable Energy
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Commercial Implementation