The U.S. Advanced Battery Consortium (US-ABC) is a group that funds electrochemical storage research and development. The group, which consists of Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors, partners with EERE to support these projects with both funding and non-financial resources—such as testing facilities. The partnership has supported a number of up-and-coming battery companies, and the collaboration has helped all of the partners to benefit from the research. Past EERE-supported US-ABC research has helped reduce production costs of automotive lithium-ion batteries by 50% since 2008. The participating companies dedicated $7.5 million toward US-ABC in 2011.

Positive Impact

Reducing battery vehicle costs. U.S. Advanced Battery Consortium funds electrochemical storage R&D.




Chrysler, Ford, General Motors

EERE Investment

$7.5 million

Clean Energy Sector

Sustainable transportation

The Vehicle Technologies Office develops and deploys efficient and environmentally friendly highway transportation technologies that will enable America to use less petroleum. These technologies will provide Americans with greater freedom of mobility and energy security, while lowering costs and reducing impacts on the environment.

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) success stories highlight the positive impact of its work with businesses, industry partners, universities, research labs, and other entities.