Student Experience Program

DOE's Student Experience Program partners with educational institutions that offer a stipend to participating students to gain experiential learning opportunities at DOE. These opportunities help students develop skills needed in today's workforce while learning about DOE's exciting mission. Students must be enrolled not less than half-time in a trade school, technical or vocational institute, college or university, or other accredited educational institution. To be placed within DOE, students must receive a stipend from the educational institution. Students will not receive a salary from DOE for participating in this program.  

Currently, we have a partnership with the University of Chicago, University of Maryland, and the University of Virginia. If you are an accredited education institution that pays a stipend and would like to partner with DOE, please contact the Student Experience Program.

Program Benefits

  • Stipends from educational institution
  • Networking opportunities
  • Valuable work experience
  • Resume enhancement to increase job prospects
  • Personal and professional development
  • Early career exploration in area of academic study

Experiential Opportunities

The Department works to tailor each student’s experience to their interests and skills. DOE offers opportunities that may include, but are not limited to, the following careers:

  • Communication
  • Cybersecurity
  • Human Resources Management
  • Information Technology
  • Law
  • Policy
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
  • Public Affairs
  • Personnel Security
  • Safety & Occupational Health

Eligibility Requirements

Students must meet all the following criteria:

  • Be enrolled not less than half-time in a trade school, technical or vocational institute, college or university, or other accredited educational institution.
  • Obtain and maintain a GPA of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Be a U.S. Citizen.
  • Secure permission to participate from the student’s educational institution.
  • Commit to a program between 8 - 16 weeks in length (based on semester).
  • Complete the OF 306 Form-Declaration for Federal Employment(link is external)
  • Complete a Student Experience Agreement Form

Program Duration

This program is offered year-round. The assignment may be performed during the school year and/or during summer or school vacation periods, with proof of enrollment. The nature of your assignment, as well as your weekly work schedule, will be part of your student experience agreement. Assignments typically last 8 to 16 weeks.

Application Deadline and Process

PROGRAM DATES AND DEADLINES                                               

SemesterApplication DeadlineInternship Period
SummerApril 30June - August
FallJuly 1August - December
SpringDecember 1January - May

If your educational institution offers a stipend and you would like to apply, please email the documents listed below along with the name of your educational institution to the Student Experience Program. Please combine all three documents into one and name the document with your last name and first name (e.g., “Snow, Dawn - SEP Application”).

  • A current resume
  • Unofficial transcripts showing your grades/GPA
  • A letter of enrollment verification

All information will be kept on file for six months. If you have not been contacted within that timeframe, we recommend you reapply with all required documents.

Student experience Employment Status

Under 5 U.S.C 3111- Acceptance of volunteer service(link is external), a student volunteer is not a Federal employee for any purposes other than injury compensation and law related to the Tort Claims Act. Student participation in the program is on a voluntary basis and no employee benefits will be provided by DOE. Service with the DOE is not credible for leave or monetary compensation, and we do not provide housing assistance or support. However, students may be eligible for a transportation stipend.


If you have any questions, please contact the Student Experience Program.