EERE Funding Opportunities

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) invests in research and development to lower the cost of energy technologies, protect the private sector from financial risk, and help America build and sustain an integrated energy system that is reliable, resilient, and secure​. ​

Funding is awarded through an open, competitive process hosted primarily on the EERE Funding Opportunity eXCHANGE. Project selections are merit-based with an emphasis on potential energy, environmental, and economic benefits.

As required by court order, the Department of Energy is providing this Notice and Order to all employees, contractors, and grantees. 

Funding, Prize, and Competition Opportunities

Below are the current open EERE funding opportunities. Visit EERE Exchange to see past opportunities. 

Technology AreaSolicitation TitleOpen DateClose Date
SolarFY25 Solar Module and Solar Hardware (SMASH) Incubator - Concept Papers1/8/20253/21/2025
Advanced Materials & ManufacturingThe Circular Supply Chains Accelerator - Concept Papers1/16/20253/31/2025
WindCapacity Accelerator for Tribal Offshore Wind Engagement - Phase 11/14/20254/1/2025
VehiclesFiscal Year 2025 Vehicle Technologies Office Program Wide NOFO - Concept Papers1/17/20254/1/2025
SolarAmerican-Made Promoting Registration of Inverters and Modules with Ecolabel (PRIME) Prize - Phase 110/15/20244/17/2025
GeothermalRegional Geothermal Data Partnerships Partnership Intermediary Agreement - Full Applications1/13/20254/22/2025
SolarSolar with Wildlife and Ecosystem Benefits 2 (SolWEB2) - Full Applications12/23/20244/25/2025
Industrial EfficiencyIndustrial Energy Storage Systems Prize - Phase 11/16/20254/29/2025
BioenergyMaximizing Algal System Yield (MASY) - Full Applications1/16/20255/15/2025
SolarFY25 Solar Module and Solar Hardware (SMASH) Incubator - Full Applications1/8/20255/30/2025
BioenergySustainable Propane and Renewable Chemicals (SPARC) - Full Applications1/10/20255/30/2025
VehiclesFiscal Year 2025 Vehicle Technologies Office Program Wide NOFO - Full Applications1/17/20256/18/2025
GeothermalPartnerships to Accelerate Training and Hiring for Geothermal Heat Pumps (GHP PATHs) Prize - Phase 23/11/20256/18/2025
Advanced Materials & ManufacturingThe Circular Supply Chains Accelerator - Full Applications1/16/20257/18/2025
WindCapacity Accelerator for Tribal Offshore Wind Engagement - Phase 26/5/20258/19/2025

Requests for Information

Below are the current open EERE requests for information (RFI). Visit EERE Exchange to see past RFIs.

Technology AreaRFI TitleClose Date
Advanced Materials & ManufacturingWide Bandgap Power Electronics Strategic Framework Draft and RFI4/11/2025

Notices of Intent

Below are the current open EERE notices of intent. Visit EERE Exchange to see past opportunities.

Technology AreaNOI TitleClose Date
Hydrogen and Fuel CellsNotice of Intent to Issue: Equitable and Clean Opportunities for Hydrogen Deployment (Eco-H2) PrizeTBD
VehiclesNotice of Intent to Issue: Funding Opportunity Announcement " Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Electric Drive Vehicle Battery Improving Economics, Recovery and Reuse, and State of Health"TBD
Industrial EfficiencyIndustrial Technology Validation ProgramTBD
Cross-officeAccelerating Transmission System Interconnection Strategies (ATSIS) Vouchers ProgramTBD
Cross-officeDistributed Energy Resources Interconnection Solutions Collaboratives (DERISC)TBD