Geothermal Technologies Office Contacts

The Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO) is a technology office within the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at the U.S. Department of Energy. This page lists key GTO staff, their assignments, and contact information. To provide feedback on this site or report technical issues, contact


General Contact Information

Geothermal Technologies Office
U.S. Department of Energy

1000 Independence Avenue SW 
Washington, DC 20585 
Nearest Metro stop: Smithsonian (serviced by the Blue, Orange, and Silver lines) 
Get directions

Ready to energize your career and bring your skills and talents to our mission? Visit the GTO Job Opportunities and EERE Career Opportunities webpages for information on open positions. 

Office Director

Lauren Boyd

Sub-Program Managers


Operations Supervisor – Deon Mccurchin 

Enhanced Geothermal Systems:

Program Manager – Dr. Kevin Jones

Hydrothermal Resources and Low Temperature & Coproduced Resources:

Program Manager – Dr. Alexis McKittrick

Data, Modeling, and Analysis:

Program Manager – Sean Porse

External Affairs 

Team Lead – Elisabet Metcalfe



Funding Inquiries

If you are seeking funding to develop a technology, please see our Open Funding Opportunities webpage. We do not fund unsolicited proposals. 

Media Inquiries

For media inquiries, please email the EERE communications team at

Merit Review Opportunities

If you are interested in serving as a merit reviewer, please submit your resume or CV to