This data visualization shows how industry can model geologic features from free, open-source data through the National Geothermal Data System. In ...
Geothermal Technologies Office
May 28, 2014In response to industry demand for better scientific data about the subsurface, an Energy Department Recovery Act initiative has deployed a free, open-source online platform known as the National Geothermal Data System (NGDS). Today, this mammoth resource of geoscience information – 9 million data points and growing – represents critical subsurface information from all 50 states and enough raw data to pinpoint elusive sweet spots of geothermal energy deep in the earth. This best-in-class data collection and usability effort supports the Energy Department’s intention to reduce cost and risks associated with widespread adoption of geothermal energy. A dedicated node on the system – the DOE Geothermal Data Repository – also collects data from all DOE-funded projects in the geothermal sector.
Already, NGDS’s publicly accessible, free data is providing tangible value to the industry. For example, Schlumberger, a global industry leader serving the oil & gas sectors, was able to make better drilling decisions because of raw temperature data supplied to the NGDS. Additionally, through NGDS data, Big D Engineering discovered a basin of geothermal brine under much of Hidalgo County, Texas, and is now exploring the feasibility of turning non-potable, brackish geopressured-geothermal water into a valuable commodity for the region: clean drinking water.
Learn more about the National Geothermal Data System.