On May 11–14, 2015, the Energy Department's Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO) conducted its regular program peer review in Westminster, Colorado. As chairperson for the event, Dr. Kate Baker provided direction on program planning to ensure a consistent, transparent, and independent review process.
This expert evaluation of the technical progress and merit of GTO-funded projects attracts geothermal stakeholders from around the nation, who provide valuable feedback and recommendations on future GTO strategies. DOE-funded projects are evaluated for the accomplishments, results, and progress of their geothermal research and scientific approach. The body of research is organized by topic “tracks” and presented by the principal investigators topically to a panel of independent experts and an audience of interested stakeholders. To support a rigorous analysis of the GTO portfolio, qualified experts provide comments on project strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.
Topic tracks follow each of the program areas in GTO: Systems Analysis and Low Temperature, Hydrothermal Resources, and Enhanced Geothermal Systems.
program plenaries
In 2015, daily plenary sessions featured some of the GTO initiatives underway at the Energy Department.
track 1 – Systems analysis | Low Temp
Systems Analysis, Resources Assessment, Data System Development & Population, Education; Hybrid/Value Added Systems; Mineral Recovery; Low Temperature Resources
track 2 – Hydrothermal Resource Confirmation (HRC)
Reservoir Fracture Characterization & Fluid Imaging; Exploration Validation / Play Fairway Analysis; Systems Analysis, Resources Assessment, Data System Development & Population, Education; Drilling Systems; Geochemistry
track 3 – EGS I
Tracers / Zonal Isolation / Geochemistry; High Temp Tools, Drilling Systems; Reservoir Modeling; Reservoir Fracture Characterization & Fluid Imaging
Track 4 – EGS II
Innovative Stimulation Techniques; Supercritical Carbon Dioxide / Working Fluids; Enhanced Geothermal System Demonstrations