Moving scientific discoveries from research and development (R&D) concepts to commercially viable and available products to transforming the market via broad adoption is imperative for America to meet its climate goals while growing our economy. DOE’s Building Technologies Office (BTO) research focuses on developing innovative, cost-effective, energy-saving solutions, but overcoming barriers to adopting these efficient, smart, and connected technologies requires more than technology innovation. Commercially available products that improve efficiency and demand flexibility may face challenges, such as limited information on performance and associated value, perceived comfort or services issues, upfront capital cost, and installation complexity.
Technology-to-market (T2M) activities are designed to accelerate the process where innovative R&D concepts become commercially viable and available products. These activities then dovetail with market transformation efforts. According to the ACEEE, “Market transformation programs apply strategic interventions in targeted markets, often over long periods, to accelerate or expand the uptake of energy efficiency products or services.” Both T2M and market transformation efforts work to increase market feedback and improve the effectiveness of BTO’s investments. Common failure points within this larger process are referred to as “valleys of death,” as shown in the figure below of the Tech-to-Market Process.

Tech-to-Market Process: Technology readiness is commonly measured on a nine-point scale referred to as Technology Readiness Level (TRL). TRLs are used to consistently identify technology development stages across technology types. Market Readiness Levels (MRLs) refer to the readiness of a market to accept and adopt a new technology.
Through its T2M portfolio, BTO funds small businesses, universities, industry partners, and national laboratories to overcome these valleys of death and drive high impact, market-relevant technologies from early-stage R&D to private sector commercialization, scale-up and offtake. Between 2015 and 2020, BTO funding supported 45 commercial products and 101 lighting components that were commercialized and integrated into finished lighting products. Details are available in the BTO Market Success Report 2015–2020. An earlier version of this report, R&D to Market Success: BTO-Supported Technologies Commercialized from 2010-2015, is also available. The precursor to the R&D to Market Success Report is the Buildings R&D Breakthroughs Report, which covers successes from 2005-2011. An Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) report provides a broader perspective: An Investigation of Innovative Energy Technologies Entering the Market between 2009-2015.
BTO’s T2M activities include funding opportunities and prizes, access to national laboratory facilities and expertise, as well as training and education programs for its network of awardees and partners.
BTO provides a range of funding opportunities to help spur technological innovation and accelerate commercialization of building technologies.
BTO-funded training and education opportunities include a number of programs ranging from developing the building technologies workforce to increasing
BTO supports prizes as well as university student competitions that introduce students to careers in the building sciences through two programs.
The information below is provided as a resource for those interested in the Building Technologies Office (BTO).

Emerging Technologies Collaborative for Buildings
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