Lead Performer: Window Covering Manufacturing Association – New York, NY
January 13, 2015
Lead Performer: Window Covering Manufacturing Association – New York, NY
DOE Funding: $1,600,000
Project Term: October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2018
Funding Opportunity Announcement: Certification and Rating Attachments for Fenestration Technologies DE-FOA-001000-1504
Project Objective
This project is to develop an independent rating, certification, labeling, and performance verification program for fenestration attachments for both the residential and commercial sectors. The Window Covering Manufacturing Association will create an independent Attachments Energy Rating Council to develop this program and deliver a consistent set of energy performance-based rating, certification, and labeling standards and procedures that will be adopted by the fenestration attachments industry. These procedures will be developed in collaboration with key stakeholders including Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, industry, public interest groups, utilities, and the U.S. Department of Energy. At the successful end of the project, a credible rating program will be established that helps consumers, utilities, and other stakeholders identify and differentiate the energy performance of fenestration attachments products. Ultimately, this program will help drive market penetration of energy saving products and further innovation in the fenestration attachments industry.
DOE Technology Manager: Karma Sawyer
Performer: Ralph Vasami, Window Covering Manufacturing Association