Lead Performer: Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Oak Ridge, TN
June 18, 2014
Advanced variable-speed Air Source Integrated Heat Pump prototype system and field test site near Knoxville, Tennessee.
Lead Performer: Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Oak Ridge, TN
Partner: Nordyne - O'Fallon, MO
DOE Funding: $2,120,000
Cost Share: Provided by CRADA partner
Project Term: October 1, 2011 - December 31, 2015
Project Objective
CRADA Project
This is a cooperative research and development agreement project (CRADA). CRADAs are partnerships in which a private sector partner and a national lab work together to further research and development.
Find out more
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is developing and promoting the market introduction of an advanced, variable speed, air-source integrated heat pump (AS-IHP) with energy savings equal to or greater than 50% versus minimum efficiency systems. The AS-IHP would be introduced to the U.S. market by Nordyne, the cooperative research and development agreement partner. An IHP that operates at this level of efficiency can make a significant contribution to meeting the Building Technologies Office’s (BTO’s) goal of reducing building energy use by 50% by 2030.
Project Impact
The 2030 maximum adoption potential energy savings for IHPs applied to residences as estimated by the BTO Prioritization tool in May 2014 is 1482 TBtu/y with a $6.10/MMBtu levelized cost of conserved energy. Cumulative value of this energy savings potential from 2016-2030 is over $120B (based on 2010 average residential electricity cost of $0.115/kWh).
DOE Technology Manager: Tony Bouza
Performer: Van Baxter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory