Head-and-shoulders photo of Merrill Wyatt in front of a brick wall.

Wyatt Merrill is the technology manager for two Emerging Technologies (ET) subprograms: Solid-State Lighting (SSL) and Building Electric Appliances, Devices, and Systems (BEADS). Together, these portfolios span all electric end uses in buildings other than HVAC and water heating. Collectively, these end uses constitute a large fraction of building energy use, and improvements to their efficiency and functionality advance BTO decarbonization goals. Projects and analyses may target device efficiency for lamps and luminaires, major appliances, plug loads, and other miscellaneous electric loads (MELs), or system-level opportunities such as power distribution, metering and load identification, connectivity, or the integration of batteries and smart electrical panels.

Wyatt joined BTO in 2019 as an AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow. In this role, he worked with the ET SSL Program on numerous analyses and technical reports, and authored papers on advanced metrics and clean technology commercialization pathways. Beginning in 2021, he was responsible for initial strategy development and launch of the BEADS subprogram. Prior to his time at the Department of Energy, Wyatt held research posts at the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratories in the Chemical Processes and Instrument Development Program and the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences. He has a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and was a 2017 recipient of the National Research Council Research Associateship Award.

Email Wyatt at: wyatt.merrill@ee.doe.gov