Data, Modeling, and Analysis

The Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) Data, Modeling, and Analysis program supports research, analysis, and tool development to address the economic and environmental dimensions of bioenergy and bioproducts.

Analysis identified top strategies to reduce the cost of biofuels.

Analysis identified top strategies to reduce the cost of biofuels.

The program works with research and development (R&D) programs to conduct integrative analyses that facilitate insights across the bioenergy supply chain. This includes analyses that integrate economic and environmental dimensions to understand trends, synergies, and trade-offs.

The Data, Modeling, and Analysis program works to identify overall BETO goals and priorities and covers issues that cut across all program areas including:

  • System-level analyses inform strategic direction and planning efforts and help BETO focus its technology development priorities and identify key drivers and hurdles for maximum national impact
  • Technology-specific analyses explore sensitivities and identify areas where BETO funding may lead to the greatest impacts as well as outline R&D needed to further develop emerging ideas.

Data, Modeling, and Analysis Activities

Data, Modeling, and Analysis takes an approach comprised of three main elements:

Across these elements, the program supports developing and enhancing analytical tools, models, and methods to:

  • Address barriers to achieving BETO’s goals
  • Improve understanding of system dynamics
  • Inform internal and external decision-making through detailed scientific understanding.

U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories, academia, and industry perform these activities.