Community Solar

The National Community Solar Partnership+ (NCSP+) is a coalition of stakeholders working to expand access to affordable distributed solar to every U.S. household, while also enabling communities to realize the meaningful benefits of solar energy, which include equitable access, meaningful household savings, energy reliability and resilience, community-led economic development, and solar workforce opportunities. Learn more about NCSP+ and join an event or workshop.

NCSP+ News

NCSP+ Initiatives

What is Community Solar?

The U.S. Department of Energy defines community solar as any solar project or purchasing program, within a geographic area, in which the benefits of a solar project flow to multiple customers such as individuals, businesses, nonprofits, and other groups. Community solar is a form of solar energy generation that allows community members of all types to access meaningful benefits of renewable energy, such as reducing household energy costs. 

Community solar programs make solar more accessible to all U.S. households, particularly to those with low-to-moderate incomes, renters, and other community members for whom traditional rooftop solar is unavailable. Rather than putting solar on their own home or building, community solar allows energy users to subscribe to a shared system of solar panels, often located within their community. 

NCSP Expands to Include Additional Solar Technologies  

While community solar is one method of expanding equitable access to solar energy, it is not the only way. In 2024, NCSP expanded to NCSP+, to include resources for low- and moderate-income residential rooftop solar + storage, community-benefitting commercial solar projects, microgrids, and distributed solar + storage aggregations such as virtual power plants, serving low-income and disadvantaged communities. This expansion enables more organizations and stakeholders to take part in NCSP+, further accelerating an equitable clean energy transition.  

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