FY 2014 Annual Performance Report

Provides summary and detailed results associated with the Department’s performance goals and associated annual targets that align to budget activities

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

June 8, 2015
minute read time

DOE's FY 2014 Annual Performance Report (APR) presents the performance results for fiscal year 2014 that contributed to the achievement of goals identified in the President’s fiscal year 2014 budget. The performance measures in this report were initially outlined in the Department’s FY 2014 Congressional Budget Request. After final congressional budget negotiations, some performance targets were revised to reflect changes in funding levels in enacted appropriations.

The report is organized by the following three strategic goals:

  1. Science and Energy - Advance foundational science, innovative energy technologies, and inform data driven policies that enhance U.S. economic growth and job creation, energy security, and environmental quality, with emphasis on implementation of the President’s Climate Action Plan to mitigate the risks of and enhance resilience against climate change.
  2. Nuclear Security - Strengthen national security by maintaining and modernizing the nuclear stockpile and nuclear security infrastructure, reducing global nuclear threats, providing for nuclear propulsion, improving physical and cybersecurity, and strengthening key science, technology, and engineering capabilities.
  3. Management and Performance - Position the Department of Energy to meet the challenges of the 21st century and the nation’s Manhattan Project and Cold War legacy responsibilities by employing effective management and refining operational and support capabilities to pursue departmental missions.