The Electricity Advisory Committee (EAC) has made recommendations on tangible ways in which the Energy Department can support distributed energy storage (DES) market deployment through technology developments and technical analyses. The EAC’s recommendations on National Distributed Energy Storage in the Electric Grid, which were approved at the March 2016 EAC meeting, also include a general overview of the Distributed Energy Resources (DER) market and technologies and discuss the current status of the DES market, unique benefits and challenges of DES, public policy implications, and the need for codes and standards development. For the purpose of the EAC report, DES is defined as an energy storage element or system located at the distribution substation, within the distribution system, or customer-sited located either behind the customer’s utility revenue meter or customer-sited on the utility side of the revenue meter.

The EAC’s recommendations on National Distributed Energy Storage in the Electric Grid can be downloaded HERE.